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Press Releases

18th Korea-UNDP Policy Consultation Takes Place


1. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs held the 18th Policy Consultation with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Seoul on the morning of December 8.


2. The heads of the delegations were Director-General for Development Cooperation of the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs Won Doyeon and Director of the Bureau of External Relations and Advocacy of the UNDP Ulrika Modéer (UN Assistant Secretary-General), respectively.


3. In the meeting, the two sides discussed mutual priorities for 2024 in all areas of development cooperation, as well as the Korea-UNDP partnership thus far. The Korean side stated that it will redouble its efforts to enhance ODA effectiveness, strengthening accountability in line with the expansion of ODA volume next year. It also suggested examining the achievements of ongoing cooperation to explore future strategic directions for furthering the Korea-UNDP partnership.


4. The UNDP side introduced the progress in implementation of the 2022-25 UNDP strategic plan, including in poverty eradication, electoral participation, access to clean energy, and the promotion of private investment. They also expressed commitment to contributing to addressing global issues in a comprehensive and systematic manner, leveraging its strengths in a range of areas, including governance, gender, digital, and climate change.


5. The two sides recognized the need to strengthen efforts in bridging the digital divide and empowering youth and discussed the importance of innovation and knowledge sharing, while reviewing the outcomes of ongoing cooperation, including through the UNDP Funding Windows.


6. In addition, they exchanged views on humanitarian situations, future prospects, and ways for cooperation in various parts of the world, including Ukraine, Gaza, Afghanistan, and the Sahel region.


7. This policy consultation, held in Seoul nine months after the last consultation in New York in March, served as an opportunity for Korea and the UNDP, a lead agency in the UN development system, to discuss diverse topics and explore ways to strengthen strategic cooperation between the two sides.