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Ministry of Foreign Affairs REPUBLIC OF KOREA

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Press Releases

Korea National Diplomatic Academy (KNDA) Establishes Communication Channels with Foreign Correspondents in ROK


- Through signing a cooperative MOU with the Seoul Foreign Correspondents’ Club, the KNDA will hold ‘KNDA-SFCC Close Encounter’

- Chancellor PARK Cheol Hee emphasized solidarity with like-minded countries such as the U.S. and Japan, and flexible engagement with the Global South

1. The Korea National Diplomatic Academy (Chancellor : PARK Cheol Hee) has decided to organize a policy dialogue program, ‘KNDA-SFCC Close Encounter’ with the Seoul Foreign Correspondents’ Club (SFCC) with the aim of providing a forum for mutual communication to help foreign media better understand the Korean government’s foreign policies.

2. Speaking at the first policy dialogue held on March 21 at the Korea Press Center under the theme “Telescopic Understanding of Korean Diplomacy : What to stand for & Whom to work with,” KNDA Chancellor PARK Cheol Hee outlined the comprehensive blueprint of Korean foreign policy.

3. Chancellor PARK emphasized Korean diplomacy aspires to position the country as a Global Pivotal State, aiming to strengthen cooperation with countries that share values of freedom, human rights, and the rule of law. He stated that to achieve this goal, with a focus on the ROK-U.S. alliance and the ROK-U.S.-Japan trilateral cooperation, we aim to enhance solidarity with like-minded countries in regions such as the Indo-Pacific region and Europe, and engage flexibly with the Global South and other regions.

4. Prior to today’s policy dialogue, the KNDA and the SFCC signed a cooperative MOU to establish a close cooperative relationship, including exchanging opinions on diplomacy, security, unification, and international issues, as well as enhancing communication on diplomatic issues and policies.

5. The ‘KNDA-SFCC Close Encounter’ launched this year is expected to contribute to raising international awareness of Korea’s national agenda and strategy, as well as major governmental initiatives.