1. On November 4, Minister of Foreign Affairs Cho Tae-yul of the Republic of Korea (ROK) and High Representative of the European Union (EU) for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell held the first ROK-EU Strategic Dialogue in Seoul. They discussed a wide range of topics, encompassing ROK-EU relations, DPRK-Russia cooperation, and regional and global issues including the situation on the Korean Peninsula.
2. Minister Cho and High Representative Borrell agreed that the Strategic Dialogue is very important and timely under the geopolitical circumstance where the security situation in the Indo-Pacific and Europe is closely interconnected, as evidenced by the recent deployment of DRPK troops to Russia. At this inaugural Strategic Dialogue, the two sides decided to continue to strengthen their bilateral Strategic Partnership based on solidarity and the shared core values in accordance with the agreement reached at the ROK-EU Summit held in Seoul in May 2023.
3. Minister Cho and High Representative Borrell also welcomed the adoption of the ROK-EU Security and Defence Partnership as agreed upon at the aforementioned Summit. This Partnership covers security and defense cooperation in 15 different areas*, including maritime security, cyber issues, disarmament and non-proliferation, and the defense industry. The two sides also agreed to further strengthen their joint response to increasing global security threats. The ROK is the fourth country to adopt this non-binding political framework with the EU, following Moldova, Norway and Japan.
* International peace and crisis management; maritime security; cyber issues; countering hybrid threats; strategic communications and countering foreign information manipulation and interference (FIMI); critical infrastructure; counterterrorism and preventing/countering violent extremism; non-proliferation and disarmament; space security and defense; training and education in security and defense; defense initiatives; peace mediation and conflict prevention; external aspects of economic security; human trafficking and transnational organized crime; and women, peace and security (WPS)
4. In their joint statement, Minister Cho and High Representative Borrell strongly condemned the DPRK's support of Russia's war of agression in Ukraine through illicit arms transfer and the deployment of special forces to Russia, which threatens international security, including that of the ROK and Europe. They called on the DPRK and Russia to immediately cease unlawful military cooperation and withdraw DPRK troops from Russia. They affirmed that the DPRK cannot and will never acquire the status of a nuclear weapon State in accordace with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and urged the DPRK to take concrete steps towards denuclearization. In this regard, they agreed to closely monitor what Russia provides to the DPRK in return for military cooperation as well as to actively pursue necessary measures together with the international community.
5. Minister Cho and High Representative Borrell exchanged in-depth views on regional and global developments, including in Ukraine, the Middle East, Northeast Asia and the Indo-Pacific. Both sides expressed deep concern over the prolonged war in Ukraine and reaffirmed their commitment to support Ukraine.
6. Minister Cho and High Representative Borrell agreed to explore ways to develop cooperation in implementing the respective Indo-Pacific strategies of the ROK and the EU. In particular, Minister Cho pointed out that as a country that shares democratic values, the ROK is capable of making meaningful contributions to international peace and prosperity, and highlighted its intention to strengthen cooperation with the G7 on major global issues. In this regard, High Representative Borrell stressed that the EU will work closely with the ROK in bilateral and multilateral fora to defend the rules-based international order.