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Press Briefings

Spokesperson's Press Briefing (Nov. 1, 2013)


Press Briefing
Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations Cho Tai-young
Nov. 1, 2013  14:30 KST



Good afternoon. We have exactly two months until the end of the year. Let me start today’s briefing.


Today, I have two announcements to make.


First, the 6th Cooperation Forum among the Republic of Korea, China and Japan will take place in Tokyo, Japan, on November 5.


In their trilateral summit talks in 2007, the three countries agreed to conduct exchanges among their state-run think tanks devoted to studies on foreign affairs and security in order to boost cultural and people-to-people exchanges.


Pursuant to this agreement, the ROK’s Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security (IFANS), the China Institute of International Studies (CIIS) and the Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA) first held the trilateral forum in Jeju, ROK, in 2008. Since then, the three countries have hosted this annual event on a rotational basis.


The ROK’s Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security I mentioned is currently IFANS at the Korea National Diplomatic Academy.


The forthcoming Forum will consist of four sessions on: the security situation in Northeast Asia and crisis management mechanisms; the progress toward an economic integration in the Asia-Pacific region and its outlook; an assessment of and the prospect for the Six-Party Talks; and the progress in the ROK-China-Japan cooperation and its outlook.


The ROK delegation to the event will include Chancellor Yun Duk-min and other professors of the Korea National Diplomatic Academy.


Moving on to the second and last announcement, Li Young, Director-General of the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), will visit the ROK on November 3 and 4.


On Monday, November 4, Second Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Cho Tae-yul will meet with Director-General Li Young to discuss ways to promote the ROK-UNIDO cooperation.


Besides, Director-General Li Young will meet with the President of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), hold a luncheon meeting with the Vice President of the Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA), and visit reclaimed land in the Seoul metropolitan area.


As you know, UNIDO was established in 1967 as a subsidiary organ of the UN General Assembly to support efforts of developing countries and transition economies to achieve sustainable industrial development. It became the 16th specialized agency of the UN in 1985.


The ROK joined UNIDO in 1967 as one of its founding members and has served as a member of its Industrial Development Board for seven four-year terms in a row since 1988.


This is all for my opening statement.





Q: Yesterday, Japan posted an English version of a video claiming Dokdo as its territory on the country’s Foreign Ministry website. What is the Foreign Ministry’s position on this?


A: Concerning the Japanese government’s posting of a video containing its preposterous sovereignty claims to Dokdo, which is indisputably ROK territory, the ROK government lodged a strong protest and demanded corrective action on October 23.


The ROK government strongly protests again the Japanese Foreign Ministry’s production and online distribution of the English version of the video despite the ROK’s protest and demand.


The ROK government strongly urges again the Japanese government to immediately remove the video from its website.


Again, the ROK government strongly calls on the Japanese government to open its eyes to the truth. It is deeply regrettable that Japan is turning a deaf ear to the truth. That is not the path helpful for Japan.


Q: A ruling by the Gwangju District Court on the individual’s right to demand compensation for forced labor came out again a moment ago. The Court recognized the right again this time. I understand that it is a bit different from the ROK government’s position. I’d like to ask again what the ROK government’s position on this issue.


A: I already gave an answer to such question the other day. As judicial procedures are underway, we will refrain from expressing our position at this point.


Q: You said the other day that the Foreign Ministry was consulting with relevant ministries. Does the position remain the same?


A: Yes, it does.


Q: I have one more related question. When the Supreme Court makes a final ruling, will the ROK government announce its position?


A: You asked a question based on a hypothetical situation. What we can tell you now is that we will refrain from announcing our position as judicial procedures are underway. Please wait until then.


Q: The Kyunghyang Shinmun reported that a missing persons report for a North Korean defector had been filed in Dandong. The report also said that there was circumstantial evidence that the defector, who was a soldier in North Korea and a trader in China, actually engaged in activities to collect North Korea-related information. First of all, can you verify if a missing persons report was filed?


A: The ROK government has provided consular support. The government asked the Chinese government to cooperate in finding the whereabouts of the defector. However, the defector’s whereabouts have not been confirmed yet.


Q: The Spokesperson of North Korea’s Foreign Ministry announced its position on the Six-party Talks yesterday. The Spokesperson said that unless the US demonstrates its willingness to withdraw its hostile policy through its action, North Korea will never ever unilaterally move first for the resumption of the Six-party Talks. What is the Foreign Ministry’s position on this?


A: We think that the announcement of such position is not helpful for the resumption of the Six-party Talks. What North Korea should do now is to show its sincerity through action.


Q: Then, if there are actions that North Korea should take to demonstrate its sincerity, what can be those?


A: I have been asked this question numerous times. As I said before, countries concerned are consulting on ways to make substantive progress on North Korea’s denuclearization.


As you know, Chinese Special Representative for Korean Peninsula Affairs Wu Dawei visited the US recently and Special Representative for Korean Peninsula Peace and Security Affairs Cho Tae-yong will also make a visit to the US.


On such occasions, countries concerned are discussing ways to make substantive progress on North Korea’s denuclearization.


Q: It has been reported that Russia also wiretapped communications during the G20. Did the ROK government ask the Russian side to verify the report?


A: On the matter, I will check and give you an answer later. I have no information on that right now.


Q: Has the schedule for Special Representative Cho’s visit to the US not been finalized yet? Roughly when will he visit the US?


A: I heard that it will be early November, the first week of the month. He will make the visit soon. I think the specific date will be announced by both sides. I would appreciate it if you could wait until then.


I will conclude today’s briefing. Thank you.


*unofficial translation