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[Former] Congratulatory Remarks at the Inaugural Reception of the 4th Secretary- General of the ASEAN-Korea Centre






H.E. Ambassador Lee Hyuk, Secretary-General of the ASEAN-Korea Center,
H.E. Long Dimanche, Ambassador of Cambodia to Korea,
Excellencies, Representatives from ASEAN Member Countries and the Diplomatic Corps,
Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

On behalf of the Korean Government, I am pleased to offer my congratulations to H.E. Ambassador Lee Hyuk on his inauguration as the 4th Secretary- General of the ASEAN-Korea Centre. With over 38 years of experience at the Foreign Ministry, including as Ambassador to Vietnam and to the Philippines, Ambassador Lee brings to the ASEAN-Korea Centre impeccable credentials as a preeminent diplomat and an outstanding leader. I had the pleasure of working with him as a colleague back in 2005 when I joined the Ministry as Director-General for International Organizations. Ambassador Lee was then serving as Director-General for the Asia Pacific and I can personally attest to his dedication and compassion not only for his work but also for his colleagues and fellow officials. Indeed, I cannot think of a better person to lead the ASEAN-Korea Centre, and am confident that the Centre will continue to thrive under Ambassador’s Lee’s leadership.

Excellencies, Distinguished Guests,

These are some very exciting times in ASEAN-Korea relations. Few partnerships have grown so quickly and with such intensity as the one between ASEAN and Korea. Today, we are amongst the most valued economic partners to each other with a total two-way trade volume of almost 150 billion US dollars. And our people-to-people ties, supported by a large and growing Korean community in ASEAN and ASEAN community in Korea—including 62,000 people who are part of multicultural families—are strong and growing.
The remarkable achievements of the ASEAN-Korea Strategic Partnership and the mutual confidence that has deepened over the past three decades point to a future together of shared prosperity and peace for our peoples and countries. It is against this backdrop that President Moon Jae-in announced the New Southern Policy during his tour of Southeast Asia last November. This aims to elevate the ASEAN-Korea partnership to a heightened level of shared values and interests. Placing unprecedented emphasis on ASEAN in Korea’s foreign relations, the new policy is not simply about reinforcing existing ties, but envisages a Future Community of ASEAN and Korea that is built on the three pillars of People, Prosperity, and Peace.

While all three pillars are important, people-to-people connections are at the very heart of President Moon’s vision. And this is where the ASEAN-Korea Center is so important. Over the past nine years, the Centre, as the focal point for ASEAN-Korea cooperation, has played a crucial role in bringing together politicians, the business community, scholars, artists, youth and the general public from ASEAN and Korea. The diverse programs organized by the Centre, ranging from trade fairs and academic seminars to music festivals, have led to the natural interweaving of our peoples which reached a record 9.5 million last year.

Now, as we seek to take our partnership to a higher level and build a Future Community of ASEAN and Korea, the Centre has an even more important role to play. And given the Centre’s track record of past achievements, there are, no doubt, higher expectations and a lot of work ahead. Nevertheless, I am confident that, with the benefit of Ambassador Lee’s outstanding leadership, the ASEAN-Korea Centre will even exceed expectations. I trust that it will build on its past legacy, playing an even greater part in fostering a lasting and genuine partnership between ASEAN and Korea. Taking this opportunity, I would like to ask all our ASEAN partners as well as our Korean partners here today for your continued support and cooperation for the ASEAN-Korea Centre.

Once again, I would like to extend my sincere congratulations to the new Secretary-General. I wish the ASEAN-Korea Center every continued success. And looking forward to even deeper cooperation with ASEAN in all areas in the coming years, I would like to wish everyone here good health and happiness.

Thank you. /End/