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[Incumbent] Welcoming Remarks by H.E. Mr. Cho Tae-yul Minister of Foreign Affairs at Reception for Seoul AI Night(May 21, 2024)​


“Seoul AI Night”

Welcome Reception

For the AI Global Forum and the AI Seoul Summit

Remarks by H.E. Cho Tae-yul

Minister of Foreign Affairs

the Republic of Korea

Your Excellencies,

My fellow Ministers,

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It gives me great pleasure to welcome all of you to Seoul AI Night.

I am sure we can all agree that one of the most hotly-debated topics around the world over the past year has been AI - including in the realm of international affairs.

The words Seoul and AI, put together, evokes memories of that momentous day back in 2016 when history was made a mere two or three blocks away from where we are now.

Lee Se-dol, a legendary Go player from Korea, faced off against AlphaGo.  The ancient game of Go, renowned for its complexity and depth, was once deemed impenetrable to software. It was often said that no AI could ever master the intricate strategies that Go demands.  

I watched in awe with the rest of the world as this epic battle of human versus machine unfolded. Despite Lee Se-dol’s extraordinary skills and experience, AlphaGo triumphed, demonstrating a level of fluid strategic thinking that many had believed was uniquely human.

And in the years since this unforgettable event, AI has increasingly become a force that is revolutionizing every aspect of our lives and re-defining our contemporary era.

Distinguished Guests,

Evolving at an unprecedented pace, AI holds the promise of enhancing humanity's welfare by easing mental and physical labor. However, its misuse can pose significant, if not existential, threats to global peace and democratic order. This foreboding sense of loom and doom has prompted calls from figures like the late Dr. Henry Kissinger to establish mechanisms to restrain AI's destructive potential.

Swedish philosopher Nick Bostrom goes further, cautioning that AI might be humanity's final invention. We might become the first and last generation of humanity to witness "Science Fiction" being realized one by one as "Science Fact".

It is said that the fear of the unknown is the strongest kind of fear. Yet, embracing the unknown has always been part of human nature. The history of humankind is a testament to turning challenges into opportunities through innovation and resilience.

So, we should not be driven by fear. Rather, we must collectively seek to bring out the best in us by promoting healthy, open dialogue and collaboration.

Governments, academia, industry, civil society, and thought leaders – each of us holds a critical piece of the larger puzzle. By working together, we can harness the power of emerging technologies for the greater good of humanity.

It is in this spirit that Korea is hosting the AI Global Forum and co-hosting the AI Seoul Summit with the United Kingdom.

Distinguished Guests,

AI is not, in and of itself, wise. It interprets data but has no intrinsic moral compass for true comprehension. Therefore, the wisdom must come from us, the people.

It is up to us to wield AI in a responsible way and to guide its usage to wholesome ends, while staying clear of potential pitfalls. It is up to us to ensure that AI upholds the fundamental values we hold dear, such as human rights.

Together, we must actively ensure that its benefits are widely and equitably shared, to prevent the deepening of existing divides – both within and across borders.

Rather than perpetuating systemic bias, we must also strive to ensure that cultural and linguistic diversity is reflected and respected in AI models. AI development should also be inclusive of future generations by ensuring sustainability and minimizing carbon footprint.  

In this regard, it is deeply heartening to see the collaborative spirit animating this event. Let us leverage this opportunity to share knowledge, and pool our collective wisdom to chart a thoughtful path forward on how we can coexist with this revolutionary technology.

And it is a great honor that Korea could be part of spearheading such efforts with our partners through the AI Global Forum and the AI Seoul Summit.

Thank you once again for your invaluable contributions to building a more secure and prosperous world. I hope you have an enjoyable and memorable stay here in Seoul. Thank you.