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Vice Ministers

2nd Vice Minister's Remarks at the Dinner for the Success of the Korean Peninsula Peace Festival


                                           Remarks by H.E. Cho Tae-yul 
                                  Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs 

   Dinner for the Success of the Korean Peninsula Peace Festival, 
                                       Jingwansa, Seoul 
                                             May 8, 2013

Most Venerable Jaseung(자승스님),
Ambassador Scott Wightman of the UK,
Chairman Ahn Hong Joon of the Foreign Affairs and Unification Committee of the National Assembly,
Ministers, Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am delighted to be here with you this evening at this dinner hosted by the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism.

As you are well aware, this year marks the 60th anniversary of the Korean War Armistice Agreement. This historic temple, Jingwansa (Jingwan Temple), also suffered the scourge of the war. As it was destroyed during the Korean War and then rebuilt, this place holds all the more meaning as a venue of an event wishing for the success of the “Korean Peninsula Peace Festival” to be held in Busan on September 27 of this year.

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude and respect to the 21 nations of the UN allied forces for the invaluable support they rendered to my country during the Korean War. Without the noble sacrifice and dedication of the Korean War veterans, the Republic of Korea could not have flourished as free and prosperous a democracy as it is today. Since we owe much to the help of the international community, we feel strongly obliged to contribute to the shaping of a better world.

President Park Geun-hye has a clear vision for realizing happiness of people on both sides of the Korean Peninsula and in the gl0bal village. The trustpolitik, as we call it, is a policy aimed at building trust between the two Koreas and a genuine and lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula as well as seeking to create a peaceful and cooperative environment in Northeast Asia and beyond. However, it requires great patience and consistency as we seek to break the vicious cycle of North Korean provocation, followed by fragile compromise and reward, followed by yet another provocation. Now is the time for North Korea to change itself and make the right choice. If not, we must induce such change on the part of North Korea, working together with the international community, and combining robust deterrence with stronger persuation.

In this context, I would like to thank the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism for their endeavors to foster a spirit of coexistence and harmony between the South and the North. I look forward to the Korean Peninsula Peace Festival playing a valuable part in laying the groundwork for a new era of happiness on the Korean Peninsula.

Distinguished Guests,

I hope that you can forget your secular duties and cares for a while, finding peace of mind and refreshing yourselves in this temple which is home to a legacy of hundreds of years of wisdom. I would like to bring my brief remarks to a close by expressing my wish for the health and happiness of each and every one of you present here this evening.

Thank you very much.