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Vice Ministers

1st Vice Minister's Opening Remarks at the June Festival


President Han,
Ambassador Kim,
General Thurman,
Service Members of the USFK and Their Families,
Distinguished Guests, 

   It is a great pleasure to be here, and I am honored to have the opportunity to address you all this evening. I would like to begin by expressing my heartfelt gratitude to President 한철수 and the members of the Korea America Friendship Society for all their hard work in hosting this meaningful event. Since we are privileged to have with us USFK service members along with guests from the U.S., I would like to ask for your understanding as I deliver my remarks in English.

Distinguished Guests,

   This year marks the 60th anniversary of the ROK-U.S. alliance. As you may all be aware, we refer to the sixtieth birthday in Korea as 환갑, which means 'wisdom', 'maturity', and 'the beginning of a new cycle'.

  There are many unsung heroes behind the remarkable growth of our treasured alliance. In particular, the 1.8 million soldiers who served during the Korean War are a strong testament to the dedication that has carried us thus far. There are also abundant stories of friendship between our two countries even before our alliance formally came into being. One especially touching story concerns a young lady called Ruby Kendrick who, at a tender age of 24, came to Korea to serve Korean children only to pass away within 8 months of her arrival in 1908. Her epitaph says it all : "If I had a thousand lives to give, Korea should have them all". I am always humbled as I imagine the plight of those who gave their lives without much fanfare.

  America's worthy contribution towards safeguarding peace on the Korean Peninsula continues to this day, and the young generations of our two countries currently stand shoulder to shoulder and remain vigilant at 'Freedom's Frontier'. True to this spirit, the Republic of Korea and the United States have taken a united stand against multiple security challenges including the North Korean threat. I would like to take this opportunity to express my deep appreciation and congratulate the five recipients of the 'Korea America Friendship Society Awards' for their excellent contribution towards promoting solidarity within our alliance.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
    The ROK-U.S. alliance is being transformed into a truly global partnership. What began as a predominantly security partnership has matured into a comprehensive alliance. Now, our alliance is evolving into 'a strategic alliance in the 21st century' on the basis of shared values and mutual trust.
   During President Park's visit to the U.S. last month, she outlined a three-point vision in her address to the Joint Session of Congress which envisages the two countries serving as a cornerstone for a free and reunified Korean peninsula, as cooperative pillars in Northeast Asia to jointly seek peace and prosperity, and as a roof that provides peace and prosperity around the world.

  I believe those of you present today are the key actors in translating this vision into reality. Everyone here from USFK service members to diplomats from the two countries has a valuable role to play in shaping the future of the ROK-U.S. alliance. A future that burns bright with hope.

Distinguished Guests,

  Henry Ford, the legendary entrepreneur once said, "My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me".

  Over the past 60 years, the U.S. has undoubtedly been Korea's greatest friend. On a rock-solid platform called the ROK-U.S. alliance, Korea has been able to accomplish two herculean tasks : economic development (known as 'the Miracle on the Han River') and mature democracy. I am confident that Korea will continue to return the favor and stand as America's best friend. Indeed, the ROK-U.S. FTA not only contributes to job creation in Korea, but in the U.S. as well. Moreover, having lent a helping hand in Iraq and Afghanistan, Korea will continue to be a dependable friend in tackling global issues together with the United States.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

  I would like to ask for your continued support as our two countries embark on a new journey together, and hope you will also continue to promote this 'lasting friendship.' Once again, I would like to offer my sincere congratulations and appreciation to all of you. Thank you.