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유엔 북한인권조사위원회(COI) 설립 10주년 기념 국제포럼 폐회사(제2차관)


Closing Remarks (Ver 2)

H.E. Youngju Oh,

Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs

Lord David Alton,

Ambassador Lee Shinwha,

Former Minister Hyun In-taek,

Ambassador Oh Joon,

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

 I am very pleased to have the honor of giving the closing remarks at this important forum commemorating the 10th anniversary of the UN Commission of Inquiry (COI).

 It is indeed a privilege to be part of this thoughful and impactful deliberation.


 Throughout this forum, we have had the opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions and hear valuable insights from experts and advocates dedicated to improving the human rights situation in North Korea.

 We have recognized the gravity of the challenges faced by the North Korean people and the pressing need for action.


 As mentioned, it is disheartening that many of the recommendations put forth by the COI have not been fully implemented over the past decade.

 However, it is heartening to witness the commitment and dedication of individuals and organizations here today who continue to champion this cause.

 Your unwavering support and your determination to hold the North Korean regime accountable for its actions are truly commendable.

 The notion of a multi-faceted approach to addressing human rights in North Korea is essential.

 The responsibility to uphold these rights falls upon nations, international organizations, and individuals alike.

 Collaboration and cooperation are the cornerstones of our collective efforts, and we must stand together on this path to advocate for justice.


 As the speakers rightly emphasized, we must also ensure that the younger generation actively participates in these efforts.

 They represent the future and the sustainability of our mission.

 Furthermore, the inclusion of women is vital, given the unique challenges they face as victims of human rights violations.

 A gender and disability sensitive approach is also crucial to ensure that we do not leave any particular group behind.

    Human rights issues are complex and require consistent and sustained attention.

 We must remain resilient and creative in our approaches, always seeking innovative solutions to the challenges we face.


 Lastly, I would like to reiterate the importance of amplifying the voice of those who suffered from North Korea’s human rights abuses in publicizing the issue.

 North Korea has long been described as a black box, whose interior is unknown. The Covid-19 pandemic has only added to its unmatched opacity.

 Without the testimonies of the North Korean defectors, it wouldn’t be possible to inform the outside world of the dire situation of North Korean human rights.

 I take this opportunity to pay tribute to the courageous determination of the North Korean defectors.

 Having said that, I reaffirm that the ROK government opposes the forced repatriation of North Korean defectors under any circumstances.

 The ROK government continuously requests the cooperation of the relevant countries not to repatriate the North Korean defectors against their free will and to allow them to move safely and swiftly to the country where they desire to seek asylum.

     In conclusion, I would like to express my deep appreciation for your valuable contributions and strong engagement.

 Together, we have taken significant steps forward in our collective mission to improve human rights in North Korea.

 Let us continue to work tirelessly, with determination and unity, to bring about positive change for the people of North Korea.

 Thank you all for your dedication and commitment to this important cause. May our shared efforts illuminate the path to progress.


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