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한-말레이시아 수교50주년 기념 세미나 개/폐회사


2010.10.18 말레이시아 쿠알라룸프르에서 개최된
한-말 수교 50주년 기념세미나 이준규 연구원장 개/폐회사 입니다.


H.E. Mr. LEE Joon-gyu, IFANS Chancellor

(Kuala Lumpur, October 18, 2010)

Y. Bhg.(Honorable) Datuk Mohd Radzi bin Abdul Rahman, Secretary-General of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia

Dato' Dr. MAHANI Zainal Abidin, Chief Executive of ISIS Malaysia

Honorable Ambassador LEE, Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

I and my Korean colleagues are very pleased to have the Malaysia-Republic of Korea 50th Anniversary Scholars Colloquium here in Kuala Lumpur.
And on behalf of the Korean delegation, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Chief Executive Dato' Dr. MAHANI Zainal Abidin and the staff members of the The Institute of Strategic and International Studies for the warm welcome kindly extended to me and my colleagues.

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen
This year is particularly important for us since it marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and Malaysia. Since February 1960 when our two countries first established diplomatic ties, a friendly and cooperative relationship has been progressing between two countries in many areas of cooperation, including the political, economic, social and cultural fields as well as the field of human exchanges.
During the past 50 years, both countries faced and overcame adversities and achieved remarkable economic growth. Korea is Malaysia's 6th largest trading partner, and Malaysia is the 12th largest trading one for Korea.
And the two countries have made joint efforts for regional peace, security and prosperity. In particular, Malaysia has supported Korea's peace approach to resolving the problems facing the Korean peninsula, including the North Korean nuclear issue. In response to the sinking incident of Korea's naval vessel, the Cheonan, Malaysia government issued a statement expressing their condolences and sadness over the loss of lives and also hopes of ensuring a lasting peace and stability in the Korean peninsula.

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen
Many events have been organized from diverse sectors in Korea and Malaysia to commemorate and recognize the fruits of our relationship. This colloquium can be seen as a opportunity to celebrate our half a century long friendship.
Throughout this meeting, we are going to deal with 1) Malaysia-Korea Strategic Relationship and 2) ROK-Malaysia Cooperation in the East Asian Region.
In the first part, we are going to look back on the past, diagnose the present, and discuss ways to maximize the future potential of Korea-Malaysia relations.
And in the second part, we will discuss the issues of common concern and consider an effective instrument that will further increase our cooperation. With regard to this matter, my colleagues will provide more details later.
I am convinced that today’s meeting will bear excellent results by facilitating the lively exchange of views on the issues of common concern.
Before concluding my opening remarks, I would like once again to extend my heart-felt gratitude to the ISIS for a warm welcome for my delegation and also for their flawless preparation of the Malaysia-Republic of Korea 50th Anniversary Scholars Colloquium.     
Terima kasih. Thank you


H.E. Mr. LEE Joon-gyu, IFANS Chancellor

(Kuala Lumpur, October 18, 2010)

Distinguished participants,
Ladies and Gentleman,

As we bring this colloquium to a close, I would like, once again, to thank you all for your wonderful presentations, lively discussions and active participation at each session. Today we had fruitful discussions on four major issues: 1) review of overall relationship, focusing on political and security issues, 2) economic and business relationship and related issues, 3) searching for future cooperation, and lastly 4) regional integration and architecture.
As I already expressed at the opening session, my hope for making this meeting a great opportunity to exchange our views and opinions on ways to promote mutual understanding between Malaysia and Korea has been fulfilled. After thorough examination of relevant issues, we were able to acuire a clearer picture  of how we can enhance our relationship across various fields and at different levels.
- - -
After I return to Korea, I will deliver the summary of this colloquium to my colleagues.
Once again thank you, everybody here for your great job done here at the Forum.
Thank you


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