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니어재단 주최 "제2차 한중 안보전략대화" 기조연설(2011.10.17, 프레스센터)


제2차 한중 안보전략대화 기조연설


Keynote Speech
LEE Joon-gyu
Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security

The 2nd Dialogue between the NEAR Foundation and Tsinghua University
on Korea-China Security Strategy

Press Interview Room, Korea Press Center
October 17, 2011

Honorable Chairman of NEAR Foundation, Mr Chung Duck-koo and Professor Chu Shulong of Tsignhua University, And Distinguished Guests from Home and Abroad,

First of all, I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to the NEAR Foundation as it is indeed a great pleasure for me to take this meaningful event to make a speech in front of the eminent guests from Korea and China.
Also, I would like to express my congratulations to you all for opening of the Korea-China dialogue on security strategy, thankfully hosted by the NEAR Foundation (North East Asia Research Foundation).

(Rise of China)
Recently, one of the most actively discussed issues is rise of China. It means that there is a keen interest in China within the international community.

China has achieved a remarkable development for the past thirty years since the government adopted ‘the Chinese economic reform policy’ in 1978. Korea highly appraises the great achievement witnessing potential of China’s government and people.

It is indisputable that there still remain concerns on China’s rise. However, Korea, as it has established a strategic cooperative partnership with China in 2008, sticks to reinforce cooperation with China and contribute more on China’s efforts on maintaining peace, security and prosperity in the Northeast Asia region including the Korean Peninsula through its peaceful development.

Also, it is expected that China’s foreign policy of peaceful development will eliminate the concerns by contributing more on peace and security in the international community.

After carefully reading the “Peaceful Development” strategy claimed by State Councilor of China Dai Bingguo last year and this year’s Chinese State Council White Paper on “China’s Peaceful Development”, I decided to support China’s endeavor to maintain its peaceful development strategy. 

(Current Korea-China Relations)
The Korea-China bilateral relationship has been experiencing many ups and downs for the past centuries with significant influence on each other.  In that sense, continuous development of the Korea-China relations is important not only for the two countries’ peace and security but also for those of the Northeast Asia region.

For less than 20 years since 1992 when Korea and China established diplomatic ties, the two countries have achieved a rapid growth in their bilateral relationship in many aspects including political, economic, social and cultural aspects. The growth was possible because Korea and China share historical ties, mutually complementary economies, and cultural similarity.

In political and diplomatic aspects, Korea-China high-level exchanges continued actively. At least 4 Korea-China summits and 5 to 6 foreign ministerial meetings are held every year. Since Korea-China strategic cooperative partnership was established in 2008, close communication on strategy has been made while holding a number of high-level foreign and defense strategic dialogues.

To my regret, such political and diplomatic accomplishments are relatively unnoticed compared to those of economic sector. 

In economy, China is the largest trading and investment partner to Korea and Korea became the 3rd largest trading partner to China. The bilateral trade volume has risen as much as 30 times from slightly over 6 billion dollars in 1992, when the diplomatic ties were established, to more than 200 billion dollars in 2010, according to Chinese statistics. It is expected that the economic cooperation trend will be accelerated in the future.

Also, Korea-China relations have made significant development in cultural sector. Exchange of people between Korea and China grew approximately 46 times from 130 thousands in 1992 to almost 6 million in 2010, while more than 120 flights are operated from one country to another every day.

For Korea, China is important partner dealing with not only the practical cooperation sector such as economy and trade but also security sector in the Korean Peninsula’s political situation. Celebrating the 20th anniversary of establishment of Korea-China diplomatic ties next year, the bilateral relation is expected to become much enhanced and step forward to maturity phase.

Especially in 2010, Korea and China have developed further solidified relationship. The two countries held as many as 5 summit-level meetings despite the concerns on the Korea-China relations raised after the Cheonan and Yeonpyeong Island incidents. Also, both the bilateral trade volume and exchang of people hit the record high.   

It is undeniable that there is a gap between the two countries’ views on the North Korea issues regarding different methodology of each other. However, the relationship between Korea and China has much developed experiencing a series of incidents occurred last year. Now the two countries can discuss North Korea issues in a more candid manner.

(Future of the Korea-China Relations)
As shown, the Korea-China relations have unlimited potential to make a new leap forward. It should be acknowledged that there still remained related tasks to be solved through cooperation with each other in order to achieve bright and robust ties between Korea and China. 

In this Internet era, rumors are being spread, distorted and reproduced easily. Friendly feeling of peoples of Korea and China to each other, which we have made in a very sensitive manner, might be easily worsened. It is also a task of Governments as well as peoples of both countries to do their best to avoid this.

The most important task is that Korea and China should develop a common image of the future of the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia. 

The region is still facing an insecure environment with the remained sources of conflict as the Korean Peninsula is still divided. This fact can act as an obstacle to China’s goal of peaceful development.

Therefore, it is urgent to enhance Korea-China cooperation in getting rid of the sources of insecurity in the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia region from the bottom.

In the past, Korea and China have already contributed to resolve the Cold War structure in the Northeast Asia region by establishing diplomatic ties in 1992. As it was shown, I believe the Korea-China cooperation will again bring about positive changes in the region.

Especially, reunification of the Korean Peninsula can be a basic solution for its security issue. Much more communication on the reunification issue is needed between Korea and China.

When all the efforts of Korea and China make progress, real strategic cooperative partnership between two countries will be accomplished.

The Korea-China strategic cooperative partnership implies not only economic and cultural exchanges but also strategic cooperation in political, military, and security issues. The partnership also means that two countries develop the current bilateral cooperation to the cooperation within the region and the international community.

The Korea-China strategic cooperative partnership set in 2008 was not a final result of bilateral relationship, but is a goal we should continue to pursue. What we can accomplish totally depends on our mutual efforts from now on.

I hope today’s meeting will provide a great opportunity for us to develop a common future image of the Korean Peninsula and East Asia, while further solidifying the Korea-China strategic partnership.

Thank you.  

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