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한·중·일 3국 국제학술회의 만찬사(2011.10.19, 신라호텔)


한·중·일 3국 국제학술회의 만찬사


A Dinner Speech by the Chancellor of the
IFANS for Trilateral Academic Forum
among Korea, Japan, and China.

(2011.10.19(Wed.) 18:40, Room Lilac, The Shilla Hotel)

Good evening, Ladies and Gentleman.

It is such a pleasure for me to host this dinner for the esteemed participants of the Trilateral Academic Forum. I would like to take this opportunity to extend my gratitude to all scholars and experts for taking part and sharing your invaluable opinions in the forum.

Also, I would like to sincerely express my appreciation and thanks to those who organized this forum. The forum was held in close cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Sejong Institute, renowned Medias from the three countries—including the Chosun Ilbo, Asahi Shimbun, People's Daily as well as the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat. As the head of IFANS, a think-tank that also hosts Trilateral Cooperation Forum with JIIA(Japan Institute of International Affairs) and CIIS(China Institute of International Studies) every year, I am extremely glad to see that academic exchanges among the three countries have been further promoted through today's forum.
I believe your constructive suggestions on the vision for Northeast Asian regional cooperation and the future role of the Secretariat will lay the foundation for full-scale regional cooperation in Northeast Asia.

So thank you for being part of this and I hope that we will continue to build an even stronger partnership for the future.

Now I would like to propose a toast to the flourishing cooperation among the three countries, and to the good health and happiness of all of us gathered here tonight. Cheers.

Again, thank you very much.

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