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글렌이글 대화 아태지역 기후변화 워크샵 개회사 (2007.7.18)

Welcoming Remarks
H.E. Cho Tae-yul
Deputy Minister for Trade,
 Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
the Workshop on Business Models and Financial Frameworks to Scale up Responses to Climate Change, Clean Energy and Sustainable Development
Lotte Hotel, Seoul
July 18, 2007

Honorable Dr. Han Seung-soo, UNSG’s Special Envoy on Climate Change,
Mr. Lee Kyoo-yong, Vice Minister for Environment,
Mr. Guy Warrington, Charge d’Affairs of the British Embassy,
Mr. Moon Kook Hyun, Representative of 136 Environment CEO Forum,
Distinguished Participants, Ladies and Gentlemen,
           It is a great honor and pleasure for me to welcome all of you to this important international event on climate change here in Seoul. Let me first express my sincere appreciation to UNESCAP, the organizer of today’s event, and other co-sponsors, The Department for International Development and The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs of the United Kingdom, Korean Environment Institute, and Energeia Institute for their excellent work in preparing this meeting.
           The Gleneagles G8 Summit held in 2005 provided an important momentum in gathering the international will and effort to surmount the challenges posed by climate change. This workshop is a follow-up event of the Gleneagles Summit and will allow us to share our thoughts on a variety of measures and their policy implications that will help the Asia-Pacific Region shift towards “low-carbon economies.”
(Toward a Low-Carbon Economy)
           Over the past 30 years, the Asia-Pacific region has developed into the most vibrant and dynamic economies in the world. It is expected that the region’s GDP in the year 2030 will triple, accounting for around 43% of the world’s total GDP.
           With such rapid economic growth, however, energy consumption in the Asia-Pacific region has grown by 230 % in the past three decades, and by 2030 it is projected to increase by another 90%. As regards greenhouse gas emissions, the region is currently responsible for a quarter of the world’s total emissions, and this percentage is expected to increase to 40% in 2030.
           Given the carrying capacity of ecosystems, countries in the Asia-Pacific region should take prompt measures to improve energy efficiency, increase the use of clean and renewable energy and low-carbon technologies so that they may transform themselves into low-carbon economies.
           It is worth noting that the ADB’s recent report has stated that energy intensity must be halved over the next 15 years and that alternative and renewable energy supplies have the potential to double from an average of 8-10% today to around 18-20% in the next 20 years.
           Developing low-carbon technologies requires massive investments, and these investments will take a substantial amount of time before they begin to yield returns. Therefore, it is essential to secure support from the public sector and strengthen international partnerships such as APP or the Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate.
(Potential of the Carbon Market)
           As I am sure you all agree, the carbon market, which has been rapidly growing since 2004, has become a core mechanism for combating climate change. Business in the carbon market has expanded to a scale of 30 billion US dollars in 2006, and it is estimated to reach 150 billion US dollars in the year 2010.
           At present, around 40 carbon funds, which amount to more than 2.5 billion US dollars, are in operation around the world. Last year, Morgan Stanley announced that it would invest 3 billion US dollars to purchase emission credits accruing from greenhouse gas emission reduction projects.
           The carbon market is important to the Asia-Pacific region as well, since the region has a variety of opportunities in which the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) may engage. When these potential opportunities are fully exploited, the carbon market will contribute not only to addressing climate change, but also to achieving sustainable development.
(Climate Change as a New Economic Opportunity)
           Without a doubt, overcoming the challenge of climate change is not an easy task. As human activities and practices that affect climate change are deeply embedded in our daily lives, helping us meet our basic needs and realize economic aspirations, it will be extremely difficult to modify them to meet our goal of fighting climate change.
           However, this challenge could serve as a good motivator for pursuing further economic development and technological advancements. We must perceive climate change not as a threat, but as an opportunity to ensure sustainable development in the future.
(Example of the EU)
           The EU has been at the forefront in our battle against climate change, and is determined to turn the challenge of climate change into an opportunity to ensure energy security, technological innovation, and economic revitalization.
           Several EU countries have even succeeded in “decoupling” economic growth from energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Eco-industry is already one of the most dynamic sectors in the EU, growing at an annual rate of 5% and employing over 2 million people.
           The EU’s success will undoubtedly provide those of us in the Asia–Pacific region with a good example in our collective efforts to take up the challenge of climate change.
Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,
           The debate on the scientific uncertainty of climate change has virtually come to an end with the release of the 4th IPCC Report. The gravity of the problem of climate change is being increasingly highlighted and international call for urgently addressing this problem is louder than ever before.
           I hope and expect that this workshop will send a clear signal to the Asia-Pacific region and beyond that the challenge of climate change will create new business models and provide opportunities to achieve sustainable development while shifting to a low-carbon society. I wish you all the best and success in your intellectual exercise today and tomorrow.
           Thank you very much.
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