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2009년 제2차 유엔기후변화협상 AWG-LCA 개막총회 연설문



Rev. 1

Statement by Mr. Raekwon Chung

Climate Change Ambassador

of the Republic of Korea at AWG-LCA Plenary

June 1, 2009

Bonn, Germany

Thank you, Mr. Chair,

First of all, I would like to join other delegations in expressing our deep appreciation to you and the secretariat for the hard work in preparing a comprehensive negotiating text. 

In the formal plenary, Mexico already made a general statement on behalf of EIG group to which we do fully associate ourselves. I would like to make a brief statement on our proposals which are properly integrated in your negotiating text.

Korea made following 3 submissions; 1. paradigm shift to low carbon development, 2. establishment of NAMA Registry and 3. carbon credit for NAMA.

First, we proposed a language emphasizing the need for paradigm shift for low carbon development path.

We believe mitigation is a result of paradigm shift to low carbon development. We cannot only focusing on mitigation without focusing on how we can deliver the mitigation we aim to deliver in our shared vision. 

Thus we believe that low carbon paradigm shift should also be included in the shared vision together with the goal of mitigation.    

Korea is promoting low carbon green growth as its national vision and is now enacting the Basic Law on Green Growth. The legislation is under consideration at the National Assembly for adoption by the middle of this year. We are now also preparing to announce our mid-term mitigation goals for 2020 within this year.

In order to promote low carbon paradigm shift at the regional level, we have hosted the "East Asia Climate Forum" in Seoul on 29th of May. 14 countries from East Asia jointly launched the "Seoul Initiative" for "Low Carbon Green Growth" in East Asia.  This "Initiative" will clarify the roadmap for Low Carbon Green Growth and will initiate pilot projects amounting to 200 million USD until 2012.

Second, Korea also submitted its proposals on NAMA Registry as a platform for matching mitigation actions of developing countries with financial and technology support, as well as a mechanism for providing due international recognition for the unilateral mitigation actions that are to be taken by developing countries.

We are pleased to note that the idea of registry is well integrated in your negotiating text and increasing number of parties find this idea useful and ready to positively consider this idea. 

We look forward to having constructive discussions on the details on how to operationalize the idea of Registry in our future negotiations.  

Third, we also made a submission to expand the role of carbon market.

We believe carbon market could play an important role in channeling finance and technology to developing countries. 

We look forward to engaging in constructive and substantive discussions in the course of our negotiations till Copenhagen.     

Thank you.

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