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난민신청자 및 난민의 구금 대안에 관한 국제회의


Opening Remarks by Ambassador CHO Hyun
Deputy Minister for Multilateral and Global Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Republic of Korea

The Honorable HWANG Woo-yeo, Chair of the National Assembly Human Rights Forum,
The Honorable INAMI Tetsuo, MP of Japan,
Distinguished Government Representatives of Australia, China, Japan, New Zealand and the Republic of Korea,
Distinguished Representatives from the UNHCR, OHCHR, IOM, ICRC and Civil Society,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to extend to all of you a warm welcome to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. It is my great pleasure and honour to hold this Sub-regional Roundtable on Alternatives to Detention of Asylum-seekers and Refugees. I would also like to extend sincere thanks to our co-sponsors - the Ministry of Justice and the National Human Rights Commission.

And allow me to express my appreciation to the UNHCR, the co-organizer of this forum. Of course we are all well aware that the UNHCR is the leading agency in the field of refugee protection. Indeed, the world has acknowledged its significant contribution to world peace through the awarding of two Nobel Peace Prizes.

With a deep sense of satisfaction, I note that my government and the UNHCR have fostered strong ties of friendship and cooperation. As a member of the UNHCR Executive Committee since 2000, the Republic of Korea has played an active part in the activities of the UNHCR. For its part, the excellent advice and expertise rendered by the UNHCR, principally through its Office in Seoul since its establishment in 2001, has been invaluable to my government.
Distinguished Participants,

This Roundtable is designed to provide policy-makers and civil experts with a valuable opportunity to share information and exchange opinions on alternatives to the detention of refugees and asylum-seekers. I believe that this occasion holds particular significance at a time when an increasing percentage of asylum seekers are from Asian countries.

According to UNHCR statistics, the total number of asylum-seekers reached approximately 380,000 in 2009 and nearly one half of these came from the Asian region. The countries in the Asia-Pacific region are currently facing the prospect of a growing influx of refugees and asylum-seekers. It is against such a backdrop as this that we gather here today, united by the common goal of working together to ensure that these groups of people are treated in a more humanitarian and rights-based manner.

The Republic of Korea, in particular since its accession to the 1951 Refugee Convention in 1992, has demonstrated a strong commitment to the protection of refugees and asylum-seekers. It was in 2001 that my country first recognized a refugee. Now scores of asylum-seekers are recognized as refugees every year.

Even in cases when asylum-seekers do not meet the requirements for recognition as refugees, my government may grant stay and work permits on humanitarian grounds. Last year, we stopped applying the principle of reciprocity in dealing with refugee issues, revising domestic legislation and withdrawing the reservations on related articles in the 1951 Convention and the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

And yet, even with all these efforts I have just highlighted, I believe that there is still scope for further improvement in the protection of refugees and asylum-seekers. I would say that all the countries participating in this event may share this view.

In this regard, it is my sincere hope that this Roundtable will serve as a stepping stone for our shared goal of rendering proper support and protection to refugees and asylum-seekers in the Asia-Pacific region. With the benefit of the expertise and insights of all here, this will even prove highly fruitful.

Thank you.

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