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제1차 한.라오스 공동위원회 외교차관 주최 만찬시 답사


「퐁사왓」외교차관 주최 만찬시 답사

Your Excellency
Vice Minister Phongsavath (PONG-SA-WAT):

Thank you so much for your generous remarks, as well as the New Year's Eve dinner that you prepared for me and my colleagues. Indeed, I very honored and happy to be with you as you celebrate Pi Mai (신년).

I have just spent half a day in your country, but I am already mesmerized by the warm smile of your people, the serenity of your city, the strength of your history, and the depth of your culture.

In particular, I see that during Bun Pi Mai (신년 축제) pouring water carries the deep meaning of giving new year's blessings - well, I hope I will be soaked wet during my stay here with all the blessings of the year!

Mr. Vice Minister, I am most pleased to have opened this year's Bun Pi Mai festivities with you by launching the first Korea-Laos Joint Commission and signing a bilateral Air Service Agreement. I would like to reiterate my sincere gratitude to you for making this possible.

Your firm commitment to our bilateral relationship is a testimony to the mature partnership that we have forged between our two countries over the past 15 years. We have much to celebrate as we mark our 15th anniversary of re-establishment of diplomatic relations this year, but I believe that our relationship will further prosper, and the best days of our relationship is yet to come. I look forward to working closely with you as we continue to develop our bilateral relationship.

Now, may I ask all of you to join me in a toast to the health and success of Vice Minister Phongsavath and to a wonderful new year  for Korea-Laos relationship.  사바이디 피마이 ! (Happy New Year) /END/

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