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[UN일반] 제73차 총회 유엔 안보리 개혁에 관한 정부간 협상 4차회의(5.2) 발언문


H.E. Ambassador Ham Sang Wook

Deputy Permanent Representative

Intergovernmental Negotiations on Security Council Reform

Fourth Meeting – Day 2 Interactive Session

2 May 2019

New York

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Let me begin by expressing my appreciation to you for holding today’s interactive session. While aligning myself with the statement made by Italy on behalf of the Uniting for Consensus group, and I would now like to make some comments in my national capacity.




With regard to your first question on the selection of possible new members by regional organizations, I would first like to reiterate my Government’s firm commitment to a reform of the Security Council that reflects the aspirations of currently unrepresented and under-represented regions.


Having said that, my delegation is of the view that in ensuring representativeness and accountability, what is more important than how we select new members is whether or not the Council members will be required to seek re-endorsement through periodic elections based on their performance on the Council.


And this provides a natural segue into my answer in response to your second question. My delegation believes that the best method for ensuring that the Security Council members act on behalf of the membership is to allow the General Assembly a chance to periodically elect the Council members, holding them accountable for their performance.


On an additional note, we have witnessed interesting proposals put forward by Member States during this session’s previous IGN meetings, such as convening a meeting of the General Assembly whenever a veto is cast in the Security Council. My delegation believes that although such ideas cannot serve as fundamental solutions, they can have a constructive and positive impact on the relationship between the Council and the GA.


Regarding your third question, I would like to reiterate my delegation’s position to add only non-permanent seats in the expanded Security Council. Furthermore, I must confess that this was a particularly difficult question. Because first, any one-time criteria with a permanent effect will eventually fail to reflect the ever-changing realities of our world, and second, it was difficult for us to think of any criteria by which one Member State would be deemed more qualified to serve on the Council compared to other Member States, so as to be granted a permanent representation on the Council.  


Lastly, your fourth question shows us the close interlinkages between the question of the veto and other four clusters. Throughout the meetings of this IGN session, we have been reminded of the fact that there is an overwhelming consensus among Member States that the veto power should ultimately be abolished. This must be taken into careful consideration as we contemplate comprehensive reform measures of the Security Council.




During yesterday’s and today’s meetings, some Member States have requested additional meetings to discuss elements of the outcome document. However, my delegation would like to point out that the “Revised Elements of Commonality and Issues for Further Consideration” is the Co-Chairs’ summary of this IGN session, As such, we do not support extending meetings to discuss the details of the document.  Rather, we again welcome your proposal to hold an informal retreat after the last and the fifth IGN meeting of this session.


In closing, we look forward to continuing our active participation and contribution to this important IGN process under your able guidance.   


Thank you.   /END/

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