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[PKO] 제73차 유엔총회 제4위원회 유엔 평화유지활동 일반토의 발언문(조태열 주유엔대사)


Statement by H.E. Ambassador Cho Tae-yul at the 4th Committee of the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly.

Agenda item 56: Comprehensive review of the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all their aspects

New York, 31 October 2018


Thank you, Mr. Chairman,

Let me also begin by thanking you for convening today’s meeting on this important topic and Under-Secretary-Generals Lacroix and Khare for their comprehensive briefings.

I would also like to express my deepest condolences to the Government of Burkina Faso for the loss of its peacekeepers who were killed in Mali last week, and their bereaved families. Such an unfortunate event is another sad reminder of the challenging environments faced by UN peacekeeping operations today, and I pay special tribute to the Blue helmets who work relentlessly to bring hope to the millions of people in the most troubling parts of the world.

Mr. Chairman,

Peacekeeping is one of our greatest political innovations that have given life to the noble goal of the UN “to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security” as declared in the UN Charter. We all know that it is in our collective interest to ensure that peacekeeping remains fit to address the evolving nature of today’s conflicts.

It is in this context that my delegation strongly supports the initiatives taken by Secretary-General Guterres to strengthen the effectiveness of peace operations. In particular, the Action for Peacekeeping (A4P), with more than 150 Member States and regional organizations endorsing its Declaration, provides an important and timely opportunity for all of us to come together to make peace operations fit for the future.

We also hold high hopes that the Secretary-General’s ongoing reform efforts, including for peace and security architecture, and the strategic reviews of peacekeeping operations will combine to lead to a more coherent and effective peace operations that place greater focus on prevention and sustaining peace.  

Having said that, let me highlight four points that I believe are critical in our collective efforts towards this end.  

First, we must take advantage of the political momentum created by the A4P initiative to keep the ball rolling and translate the shared commitments in the Declaration into actions, while systematically monitoring the progress made.

The UN Peacekeeping Defense Ministerial Conference to be held in New York next March will serve as an important occasion to further mobilize concrete commitments from Member States and partners in our efforts to implement the Declaration.

The Republic of Korea, together with Norway and Ethiopia, as co-chairs of the Group of Friends of UN Peace Operations, an informal, cross-regional group dedicated to making peace operations more fit for purpose, will continue to work with the Secretariat, Member States and other partners to provide the necessary support.

Second, capabilities of peacekeeping operations must be enhanced to better meet mandates in today’s complex and high-risk environments. Better training, introduction of new technologies and increased engagement with local communities need to be prioritized.

As part of our contribution to this end, the Republic of Korea is planning to host the Senior Mission Leaders Course in the second half of 2019 to help potential leaders better prepared for leadership roles in peace operations. We are also committed to exploring ways to use new technologies in peacekeeping missions to exponentially enhance their operational effectiveness in line with universal values. For this reason, two years ago, we co-hosted with the UN the third symposium on international partnership for technology in peacekeeping, and we are now working with DFS to develop real-time mapping technology that will help utilize smaller tactical UAVs in missions.

As for engagement with local communities, Korean peacekeepers have long been guided by the conviction that genuine peace stems from the minds of people. Today, our peacekeepers in Lebanon and South Sudan are creating lasting bonds with the local community as they help to secure peace and rebuild the country.

Third, based on an accurate and in-depth analysis by the Secretariat, mandates of missions need to be designed as part of a broader political strategy that considers the entire peace continuum from prevention and peacekeeping to peacebuilding and long-term development. The political strategy could guide our efforts to determine the division of labor among the missions, UN Country Teams and other relevant actors, including the Peacebuilding Commission.

As co-chair of the Group of Friends of Peace Operations, the Republic of Korea will work closely with the Secretariat and relevant partners so that the Secretariat can look at the best practices, lessons learned and then propose to Member States possible options to achieve this objective.     

Fourth, in the face of multidimensional challenges, effective peacekeeping requires a shared responsibility among all actors, including regional and sub-regional organizations, especially the African Union.

Through our contributions to the African Union Peace Fund, we are actively supporting the AU’s efforts to strengthen their capacity to maintain peace and security in the continent.

Working together with the AU, we deployed a level-two hospital in Gao, Mali last July. The hospital, which treats both military personnel and civilians, aims to help the Malian government to win the hearts and minds of the local population through improved provision of basic services. We hope that the hospital can help to address the root causes of the ongoing conflict and contribute to sustaining peace in the region. We are also supporting the African Standby Force (ASF) Continental Logistics Base in Cameroon, which will help ensure adequate infrastructure for a rapid deployment of African troops. And to enhance women’s participation in AU peace support operations, we are helping to build the necessary capacity within the AU Commission.

Mr. Chairman,

Next year, the Republic of Korea is expected to join the ranks of the top ten financial contributors to the UN peacekeeping budget, for the first time since its admission into the UN in 1991. We now feel an even greater sense of responsibility to ensure that UN peace operations remain an indispensable and effective tool to promote peace and security.

I can assure you of my government’s commitment to play its due part in strengthening peace operations, working closely with all relevant partners in the years to come. Thank you very much. /END/

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