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[UN일반] 유엔 운영개혁 관련 유엔 사무총장 설명회 참석 발언문(조태열 대사)


Remarks by Ambassador Cho Tae-yul

Permanent Representative of the Republic of Korea

to the United Nations

at the Secretary-General’s Briefing on Management Reform

May 22, 2018

Mr. President,

Let me also begin by thanking you for convening this very timely meeting. I also wish to thank the Secretary-General for his briefing on the current status of management reform and the way forward.

Reiterating the Republic of Korea’s continued support for the SG’s reform initiatives on management, I would like to make a few general comments.

First, we must be mindful of the importance of timing. As history tells us, time is a critical element for the success of all reforms. In order for the reform proposals to be put in place by January 2019 as palnned, we can no longer afford delays or deviation in making decisions. One and a half years have already passed since the SG first announced his reform vision upon his inauguration. We need to make full use of the momentum gained thus far especially through the adoption of two pro-reform resolutions at the General Assembly. We must strike the iron while it is hot.

Second, the SG’s reform proposals in the three pillars must be considered as a single package and approved as such. This is too important and far-reaching an agenda to stumble over micromanaging or trade-offs among different pillars. When we begin our deliberations on reform proposals in the relevant committees, we should be careful not to lose sight of the bigger picture of why we are pushing them forward and how each reform initiative is interlinked with one another within and across the pillars. Only through a holistic and coherent approach, will the reform initiatives yield meaningful outcomes.

Third, it is important for us to remain patient, realistic and flexible. No reform plans are perfect and it takes time to see tangible results. We should be ambitious with the goals, but realistic about our capability; firm with our direction, but flexible with the means; optimistic about the future, but prudent in daily planning. After all, reform is a process, not an one-time exercise. Approving the SG’s reform proposals is only the first step of a long journey.

Having said that, Mr. President, I would like to ask one specific question to the Secretary-General on the accountability framework in his reports.

I think the compliance function of the new department, DMSPC, is the core of your reform proposal, Mr. Secretary-General. However, in addressing the improper use of delegated authority or misconduct, your report only refers to the withdrawal of authority as corrective measures. I think introducing a more rigorous mechanism to address these problems as an integral part of the accountability system is crucial to further strengthen the case of your proposal. I would appreciate it if you can share your thoughts on this matter.

Thank you.

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