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[협정문] Understanding on Commitments in Financial Service(WTO영문협정문)



Participants in the Uruguay Round have been enabled to take on specific

commitments with respect to financial services under the General Agreement on Trade

in Services (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") on the basis of an alternative

approach to that covered by the provisions of Part III of the Agreement. It was agreed

that this approach could be applied subject to the following understanding:

(i) it does not conflict with the provisions of the Agreement;

(ii) it does not prejudice the right of any Member to schedule its specific

commitments in accordance with the approach under Part III of the


(iii) resulting specific commitments shall apply on a most-favoured-nation basis;

(iv) no presumption has been created as to the degree of liberalization to which

a Member is committing itself under the Agreement.

Interested Members, on the basis of negotiations, and subject to conditions and

qualifications where specified, have inscribed in their schedule specific commitments

conforming to the approach set out below.

A. Standstill

Any conditions, limitations and qualifications to the commitments noted below shall

be limited to existing non-conforming measures.

B. Market Access

Monopoly Rights

1. In addition to Article VIII of the Agreement, the following shall apply:

Each Member shall list in its schedule pertaining to financial services existing

monopoly rights and shall endeavour to eliminate them or reduce their scope.

Notwithstanding subparagraph 1(b) of the Annex on Financial Services, this

paragraph applies to the activities referred to in subparagraph 1(b)(iii) of the Annex.

Financial Services purchased by Public Entities

2. Notwithstanding Article XIII of the Agreement, each Member shall ensure that

financial service suppliers of any other Member established in its territory are accorded

most-favoured-nation treatment and national treatment as regards the purchase or

acquisition of financial services by public entities of the Member in its territory.

Cross-border Trade

3. Each Member shall permit non-resident suppliers of financial services to supply,

as a principal, through an intermediary or as an intermediary, and under terms and

conditions that accord national treatment, the following services:

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(a) insurance of risks relating to:

(i) maritime shipping and commercial aviation and space launching and

freight (including satellites), with such insurance to cover any or all

of the following: the goods being transported, the vehicle transporting

the goods and any liability arising therefrom; and

(ii) goods in international transit;

(b) reinsurance and retrocession and the services auxiliary to insurance as

referred to in subparagraph 5(a)(iv) of the Annex;

(c) provision and transfer of financial information and financial data processing

as referred to in subparagraph 5(a)(xv) of the Annex and advisory and other

auxiliary services, excluding intermediation, relating to banking and other

financial services as referred to in subparagraph 5(a)(xvi) of the Annex.

4. Each Member shall permit its residents to purchase in the territory of any other

Member the financial services indicated in:

(a) subparagraph 3(a);

(b) subparagraph 3(b); and

(c) subparagraphs 5(a)(v) to (xvi) of the Annex.

Commercial Presence

5. Each Member shall grant financial service suppliers of any other Member the right

to establish or expand within its territory, including through the acquisition of existing

enterprises, a commercial presence.

6. A Member may impose terms, conditions and procedures for authorization of the

establishment and expansion of a commercial presence in so far as they do not circumvent

the Member's obligation under paragraph 5 and they are consistent with the other obligations

of the Agreement.

New Financial Services

7. A Member shall permit financial service suppliers of any other Member established

in its territory to offer in its territory any new financial service.

Transfers of Information and Processing of Information

8. No Member shall take measures that prevent transfers of information or the

processing of financial information, including transfers of data by electronic means, or that,

subject to importation rules consistent with international agreements, prevent transfers

of equipment, where such transfers of information, processing of financial information or

transfers of equipment are necessary for the conduct of the ordinary business of a financial

service supplier. Nothing in this paragraph restricts the right of a Member to protect

personal data, personal privacy and the confidentiality of individual records and accounts

so long as such right is not used to circumvent the provisions of the Agreement.

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Temporary Entry of Personnel

9. (a) Each Member shall permit temporary entry into its territory of the following

personnel of a financial service supplier of any other Member that is

establishing or has established a commercial presence in the territory of the


(i) senior managerial personnel possessing proprietary information

essential to the establishment, control and operation of the services

of the financial service supplier; and

(ii) specialists in the operation of the financial service supplier.

(b) Each Member shall permit, subject to the availability of qualified personnel

in its territory, temporary entry into its territory of the following personnel

associated with a commercial presence of a financial service supplier of any

other Member:

(i) specialists in computer services, telecommunication services and

accounts of the financial service supplier; and

(ii) actuarial and legal specialists.

Non-discriminatory Measures

10. Each Member shall endeavour to remove or to limit any significant adverse effects

on financial service suppliers of any other Member of:

(a) non-discriminatory measures that prevent financial service suppliers from

offering in the Member's territory, in the form determined by the Member,

all the financial services permitted by the Member;

(b) non-discriminatory measures that limit the expansion of the activities of

financial service suppliers into the entire territory of the Member;

(c) measures of a Member, when such a Member applies the same measures

to the supply of both banking and securities services, and a financial service

supplier of any other Member concentrates its activities in the provision of

securities services; and

(d) other measures that, although respecting the provisions of the Agreement,

affect adversely the ability of financial service suppliers of any other Member

to operate, compete or enter the Member's market;

provided that any action taken under this paragraph would not unfairly discriminate against

financial service suppliers of the Member taking such action.

11. With respect to the non-discriminatory measures referred to in subparagraphs 10(a)

and (b), a Member shall endeavour not to limit or restrict the present degree of market

opportunities nor the benefits already enjoyed by financial service suppliers of all other

Members as a class in the territory of the Member, provided that this commitment does

not result in unfair discrimination against financial service suppliers of the Member applying

such measures.

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C. National Treatment

1. Under terms and conditions that accord national treatment, each Member shall grant

to financial service suppliers of any other Member established in its territory access to

payment and clearing systems operated by public entities, and to official funding and

refinancing facilities available in the normal course of ordinary business. This paragraph

is not intended to confer access to the Member's lender of last resort facilities.

2. When membership or participation in, or access to, any self-regulatory body, securities

or futures exchange or market, clearing agency, or any other organization or association,

is required by a Member in order for financial service suppliers of any other Member to

supply financial services on an equal basis with financial service suppliers of the Member,

or when the Member provides directly or indirectly such entities, privileges or advantages

in supplying financial services, the Member shall ensure that such entities accord national

treatment to financial service suppliers of any other Member resident in the territory of

the Member.

D. Definitions

For the purposes of this approach:

1. A non-resident supplier of financial services is a financial service supplier of a Member

which supplies a financial service into the territory of another Member from an establishment

located in the territory of another Member, regardless of whether such a financial service

supplier has or has not a commercial presence in the territory of the Member in which the

financial service is supplied.

2. "Commercial presence" means an enterprise within a Member's territory for the

supply of financial services and includes wholly- or partly-owned subsidiaries, joint ventures,

partnerships, sole proprietorships, franchising operations, branches, agencies, representative

offices or other organizations.

3. A new financial service is a service of a financial nature, including services related

to existing and new products or the manner in which a product is delivered, that is not

supplied by any financial service supplier in the territory of a particular Member but which

is supplied in the territory of another Member.


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