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[ARF] Annual Security Outlook [ROK 2011]

외교부 > 남아시아태평양국 > 아세안협력과
Annual Security Outlook 2011


The Korean Peninsulan March 26th, 2010, the DPRK committed an armed attack against the ROK Navy vessel, the Cheonan, resulting in its sinking and the loss of 46 lives. Later last year on November 23rd, the DPRK attacked Yeonpyeong Island, located in the West Sea, with barrages of artillery fire. The indiscriminate shelling of the entire island, including residential areas, resulted in 5 civilian casualties (2 killed, 3 injured) and 18 military casualties (2 marines killed in action, 16 wounded). In response to such armed attacks, the ROK government has taken all possible measures to deter further provocations by the DPRK, defend the national security of the ROK and maintain regional stability in Northeast Asia. To this end, the ROK maintains a steadfast defence posture based on ROK-US combined defence, continues to closely monitor the situation in the DPRK and pro-actively communicates and cooperates with neighboring countries who have traditional ties with the DPRK. Following the DPRK's provocations, the international community condemned these acts of aggression and, in a joint voice, strongly urged the DPRK to refrain from further provocations. Approximately 70 countries showed their support for measures taken by the ROK or condemned DPRK's provocations. On December 19th, the United Nations Security Council(UNSC) held an emergency meeting to discuss the DPRK's artillery attack, followed by an earlier release of a UNSC Presidential Statement on July 9th, 2010. Faced with such a situation, the ROK government is pursuing a two-track approach. As we leave the door to dialogue open, we will continue to implement sanctions in cooperation with the international community and in accordance with relevant UN Security Council Resolutions. In January 2011, the ROK government made a proposal to the DPRK to hold sincere talks and has been reiterating the will, at the highest levels, to engage in inter-Korean dialogue. The ROK government calls upon the DPRK to take responsible measures for the sinking of the Cheonan and shelling of Yeonpyeong Island, to make a commitment to refrain from further provocations and to demonstrate its genuine intention toward denuclearization. North Korea’s Nuclear Issue North Korea's persistent pursuit of nuclear weapons, other weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs represents not only a serious threat to the peace and security of the Korean peninsula and the Asia-Pacific region, but also a challenge to the global community’s non-proliferation efforts. The DPRK is the only country that has conducted two nuclear tests, announced withdrawal from the NPT, and claims to be a nuclear weapon state, demonstrating no regard for international norms and obligations. The DPRK has further increased its WMD threats by repeatedly launching long and medium range ballistic missiles in the years of 2006 and 2009. It has also continued to engage in activities related to WMD proliferation in certain countries, causing serious international concern. The findings of the 2010 report by the UN panel of experts pursuant to Resolution 1874 also reflect such concerns.
The DPRK’s recently disclosed uranium enrichment activities, in particular, are opening a new and disturbing chapter on this issue, further complicating our task of realizing complete and irreversible denuclearization. Such activities are in clear violation of UN Security Council Resolutions 1718 and 1874, which stipulate that "North Korea shall abandon all nuclear weapons and existing nuclear programs in a complete, verifiable and irreversible manner, and immediately cease all related activities." In this light, countries have repeatedly expressed serious concerns and condemnations about the DPRK’s uranium enrichment activities at various international meetings and forums, including the G8 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, US-China Summit and ARF ISG Sydney Meeting. Despite the continuing nuclear ambitions of the DPRK, the ROK government is fully committed to the peaceful resolution of the North Korean nuclear issue and has accordingly engaged in close cooperation with its partners of the Six-Party Talks. However, the DPRK has only exploited the Six-Party Talks: it reversed the disablement steps at Yongbyon, and acquired more plutonium by reprocessing spent fuel rods, while having received aid equivalent of 750 thousand tons of heavy fuel oil from the four parties to the Six-Party Talks in return for such disablement measures. Thus, consensus was forged among the member states of the Six-Party Talks on the need to create proper circumstances through various contacts beginning with the inter-Korean dialogue as an essential step before the resumption of the Six-Party Talks. The ROK government will continue its vigorous efforts including holding inter-Korean talks on denuclearization to ensure that the DPRK sincerely changes its attitude and takes concrete steps toward the path of denuclearization.
II.a. Overview of national security and defense policy
ROK’s National Defense Objectives
The ROK has set three national defense objectives: defending the nation from external military threats and invasion; upholding the principle of peaceful unification; and contributing to regional stability and world peace. The specific details of these objectives are as follows: First, defending the nation from external military threats and invasion indicates that the Ministry of National Defense(MND) will protect the nation from North Korea’s existing military threat and, furthermore, from all other potential threats to the peace and security of the Korean Peninsula. In particular, the North has posed serious threats to the South’s security with its large-scale conventional military forces, development and enhancement of WMDs including nuclear weapons and missiles, as well as its constant armed provocations such as the attack on the ROK Ship Cheonan and the shelling of Yeonpyeong Island in 2010. Second, upholding the principle of peaceful unification means that the MND will contribute to peaceful unification of the two Koreas by deterring war, easing military tension, and bringing permanent peace to the Korean Peninsula. Third, contributing to regional stability and world peace based on the ROK’s national stature and defense capabilities, entails that the Ministry of National Defense will promote cordial and cooperative military relations with neighboring countries while actively participating in international peacekeeping activities.
Tenets of the National Defense Policy
In order to achieve the national defense objectives, the MND has come up with eight key tenets for the national defense policy: intensifying its capabilities for comprehensive security; developing the ROK-US alliance as well as expanding defense diplomacy and cooperation; supporting the advancement of the inter-Korean relations; establishing advanced military capabilities; fostering an elite defense workforce; enhancing management efficiency; enhancing military personnel’s welfare; and improving an image of a trustworthy military. First, the MND establishes a defense posture for comprehensive security. The ROK military will prepare to take immediate action and conduct complete operations against any incidents no matter when, where or what situation occurs. The MND will also develop an integrated defense posture that allows the civilian, public and military sectors to work together so that all of the nation’s capabilities can be fully synthesized during a national crisis or emergency. Further, the ROK will adopt a rapid response posture and hone its capability to cope with transnational and non-traditional threats such as terrorism and natural disasters based on close cooperation with the international community. Second, the MND continues to pursue a future-oriented development of the ROK-U.S. alliance and expansion of defense diplomacy and cooperation. The scope of the ROK-U.S. alliance will broaden and deepen so as to include cooperation on the political, economic, social and cultural fronts beyond military and security concerns. Furthermore, the two nations will foster the alliance in a way that contributes to regional and global peace and prosperity. Based on the ROK-U.S. alliance, the MND will enhance its cooperative military relationship with neighboring countries, expand its military diplomacy to the global level and bolster international peacekeeping operations.
Third, the MND supports the advancement of inter-Korean relations. The MND will take military assurance measures in a timely manner in accordance with the development of the inter-Korean exchanges and cooperation, while developing and implementing creative agendas and strategies to relieve military tension and build trust with North Korea. It will also build military trust and pursue step by step measures in arms control to allow peace to take root on the Korean Peninsula. Fourth, the MND establishes advanced military capabilities. The MND will reform military organization to enable the military to proactively respond to the changing security environment while developing the structure as a tailored unit befitting the varying operational conditions that characterize the Korean Peninsula. The reorganized structure will be more information and technology-intensive. In addition, a jointness-based, top-down chain of command will strengthen the nation’s military power, thereby improving the efficiency of its force structure. Fifth, the MND fosters an elite defense workforce capable of meeting the challenges of future warfare. It will align the current training programs to secure elite defense human resources that are suitable for a technology-intensive military structure, while improving the educational system in a way that reinforces the efficiency and jointness of the military. Recruit training as well as general training systems will be reinforced to ensure the existing combat forces are primed to their optimal level. Sixth, the MND enhances defense resource management by improving the overall adjustment and control of goods and services in the military. It will not only improve efficiency in the national defense architecture and management but also maximize the functional contributions of defense industry and the defense budget to the national economy.
Seventh, the MND makes the military attractive and rewarding by ensuring the period of service is spent productively and rewardingly. It will promote the welfare of military personnel by improving their living environment as well as upgrading the military medical support system. It will also provide newly enlisted service members with self-development programs that allow them to earn college credits or certifications, thus making military service more holistically productive.
Last, the MND establishes an image of trustworthy armed forces by serving the people. It will enable the armed forces to focus on their original missions and strengthen their ability to garner the trust of the nation, guarantee people’s convenience, and realize government policies to firmly establish the image of the ‘citizen in uniform’.
II. b. Data contribution to ARF Arms Register
Total defense expenditure on annual basis
1) Defense expenditure: USD 25.4 billion
2) Defense expenditure as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) : 2.62%
3) Defense expenditure per capita: USD 524
III.a. Counter-terrorism
It is the firm position of the Korean Government that terrorism cannot be tolerated or justified under any circumstances. Acting on this principle, the ROK has been strengthening its counter-terrorism capacity at the domestic level, while actively participating in the international and regional efforts as well. These efforts include enhancing law enforcement, strengthening the international system to prevent the spread of WMDs into the hands of terrorist groups, and addressing conditions conducive to the emergence of terrorism and the spread of terrorist ideologies. At the international level, the ROK is faithfully implementing its obligations under the relevant UN Security Council and General Assembly resolutions, as well as the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. It is a party to the twelve counter-terrorism conventions and protocols, and is recently promoting the ratification of the International Convention on the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism. It is also supporting the early adoption of the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism. On the other hand, the ROK has been carrying out a number of bilateral consultations on counter-terrorism with various countries including China, Japan, Russia and the U.S. These consultations will serve as a platform for information sharing and policy coordination. In addition, the Korean Government strives to address the conditions that may be conducive to the spread of terrorism. It has been contributing to the regional and international efforts to enhance inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogues aimed at addressing intolerance and extremism and at fostering mutual understanding and a culture of peace. In this connection, the Korean Government is actively participating in the Alliance of Civilizations, a UN-sponsored international initiative, as a member of its Group of Friends.
Meanwhile, the ROK has been providing training for the capacity-building of countries vulnerable to terrorism, and increasing its development assistance for the eradication of poverty. In particular, in July 2010, the Korean Government began operating a Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) in the eastern Province of Parwan, Afghanistan, and since then, the Korean PRT has been carrying out various reconstruction projects, with a special focus on in the key areas of the Afghan National Development Strategy (ANDS) –education, public health, agriculture, governance and police training. In addition, the Korean government plans to provide USD 500 million, starting from this year, over the next five years to Afghanistan in order to support the effort of the Afghan government to prevent its territory from becoming a safe haven for global terrorism and to pursue sustainable peace and development. This additional assistance will contribute to enhancing the capacity of the ANSF and supporting the country's economic and social development. III.b. Non-proliferation, Counter-proliferation, Arms Control and Disarmament The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) and their means of delivery pose growing threats to international peace and security, which require the concerted efforts of the international community. Faced with the DPRK nuclear issue in particular, the Korean Government is actively participating in the global efforts to strengthen the international non-proliferation regime. The ROK, in particular, welcomes the success of the 8th NPT Review Conference in May 2010, where it led efforts to adopt the final document as the Vice-President.
The year 2012 will be a significant year for the ROK as it will host the second Nuclear Security Summit in late March in Seoul. The first Summit in 2010 brought 47 leaders to Washington D.C. under the shared goal of enhancing nuclear security to combat nuclear terrorism. The Seoul Summit will continue to strengthen national measures and international cooperation in the field of nuclear security, and focus on deepening and consolidating the NSS process to that end. The Korean Government has formed an inter-ministerial Preparatory Committee headed by the Prime Minister, and a Preparation Office headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade to prepare for the 2012 Summit. As a key member of major multilateral WMD-related initiatives, the ROK is further expanding its participation in global endeavors. In May 2009, the ROK joined the Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) with a view to strengthening cooperation with other PSI partners to prevent the proliferation of WMDs and their delivery systems. Since then, the ROK joined the Operational Experts Group (OEG) in November 2010 and hosted a maritime interdiction exercise, ‘Eastern Endeavor,’ and a PSI workshop in October 2010. The ROK will also host the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism (GICNT) Plenary Meeting in June 2011, where participants from 82 member states and 4 observer groups will gather to discuss nuclear detection and nuclear forensics, as well as mitigation and response measures in the case of nuclear and radiological terrorism. Since 2004, the Korean Government has contributed more than USD 10 million to the G-8 Global Partnership (GP) Program, including the dismantlement of Russian nuclear submarines, the installation of border radiation detection facilities in the Ukraine, and the enhancement of security of bioscience laboratories in Yemen. It will also host a workshop on the safe operation of nuclear research facilities in the Middle East. In promoting cooperation with the UN, the ROK annually hosts a joint UN-ROK Conference on Disarmament in Jeju Island. The 9th conference in 2010 was held under the theme ‘Nuclear Renaissance and International Peace and Security.’ The 2011 conference will mark the 10th anniversary of the Jeju process. III.c. Transnational Crime
The Korean Government attaches great importance to consolidating and further strengthening regional cooperation in combating transnational crime. The ROK attended the 3rd Bali Regional Ministerial Conference on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime in April 2009, the 4th ASEAN+3 Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime in November 2009 and the 8th ARF Inter-Sessional Meeting on Counter-Terrorism and Transnational Crime in April 2010. Through these meetings, the Korean Government reaffirmed its strong support for countering transnational crimes and intensifying the cooperative efforts therein.
The ROK also contributed to the successful implementation of the Workshop on Enhancing Cyber Crime Investigation Capacity of ASEAN Law Enforcement Agencies in Indonesia in November 2009. In addition, it is currently carrying out the ROK-ASEAN Knowledge Transfer Program on Narcotics Crimes with various ASEAN member states, including Laos in 2007, Cambodia and Vietnam in 2008, the Philippines in 2009, and Indonesia in 2010. III.d. Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief With approximately 30 percent of the natural disasters and three-quarters of the deaths in the world occurring in Asia, the region has proven vulnerable to natural disasters. The ROK is actively contributing to the regional and international efforts to provide disaster relief by carrying out its overseas disaster relief operations, assisting the disaster management capacity-building of the countries prone to natural disasters, and supporting the emergency response efforts of the United Nations.
With the goal of providing assistance to the overseas disaster relief efforts, the ROK contributed approximately USD 9.2 million to 20 disaster and conflict-stricken countries through bilateral and multilateral channels in 2010. As for January 2010 earthquakes in Haiti, the Korean Government provided USD 2.5 million for emergency response and pledged an additional USD 10 million for recovery and reconstruction efforts. It also donated USD 2 million for the post-earthquake relief in Chile in February, USD 1 million to China in April and USD 2.1 million for the post-flood recovery in Pakistan in August, 2010. The delegates from the Korean Government had attended the 10th Intercessional Meeting on Disaster Relief(ISM on DR) held in Thailand. In line with the development of region-wide disaster management arrangements, the Korean government has endeavored to contribute to disaster relief cooperation by partaking in diverse approaches such as the ASEAN Regional Forum Disaster Relief Exercise (ARF DiREx) held in Indonesia on March 16, 2011 which aimed to boost capacity in the region when coping with disasters. As a member of the UN OCHA Donor Support Group (ODSG), the ROK has been making contributions towards the international disaster relief efforts. The Korean Government offered USD 3 million in aid to the UN Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) in 2010. It also supported the Consolidated Appeals Process (CAP) with USD 3.4 million in 2010. The ROK hopes that its financial assistance will contribute to addressing urgent and chronic humanitarian issues. III.e. Maritime Security As the sixth largest maritime power in the world, the ROK has key interests in ensuring the safety of the Sea Lines of Communication (SLOC), and places great importance on maritime security off the coast of Somalia and in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore.
In regard to combating the piracy off the coast of Somalia, the ROK acted as one of the co-sponsors to the five relevant UNSC resolutions from 2008 to 2009. It provided USD 100,000 to the IMO Djibouti Code Trust
Fund until 2010 in support of regional capacity-building. The ROK is also one of the 24 founding members of the Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia (CGPCS), and chaired the 7th CGPCS meeting in November 2010. In addition, the ROK has dispatched an anti-piracy unit, Cheonghae, to the Gulf of Aden since March 2009, which is comprised of a destroyer, an anti-submarine helicopter and 300 personnel. The Cheonghae unit has been participating in the Combined Task Force (CTF) 151, a multinational navel task force to counter-piracy under the command of the Combined Maritime Forces (CMF). It has also been serving as a commander of the CTF-151 from April to August 2010. On the Straits of Malacca and Singapore, the ROK has been contributing its annual technical cooperation fund of 100 million Korean Won (approximately equivalent to USD 100,000) to the ReCAAP Information-Sharing Center since April 2008. It also signed an MOU with the Aids to Navigation Fund (ANF) for the improvement of navigation safety, and has been annually providing 100 million Korean Won to the ANF since November 2009.
IV.a National contributions to enhancing the ARF and regional security The ROK participated in various ARF initiatives during the inter-sessional year of 2010-2011 including participation in all Inter-Sessional Meetings and a disaster relief exercise (DiREx). The Korean Government also actively took part in the track Ⅱ activities such as the Experts and Eminent Persons’ Meeting and ARF UNCLOS seminar. The ROK will continue to actively join the ARF’s efforts to foster confidence-building measures and further elevate toward preventive diplomacy and conflict resolution.
The ROK, along with the U.S. and Indonesia, will co-host the 4th ARF inter-sessional Meeting on Maritime Security during the inter-sessional year of 2011-2012. The Meeting will serve as a meaningful opportunity to share ideas on maritime issues and establish close cooperative relations to combat potential maritime threats. IV.b.Future of the ARF As a unique inter-governmental forum for multilateral security in the Asia-Pacific region, the ARF continues to play an essential role in promoting peace and stability in the region. Since its establishment in 1994, the ARF has facilitated dialogues among many different countries, by providing them with opportunities to freely exchange their views on various security issues. Such discussions have enabled ARF participants to enhance familiarity and reduce potential tension, and eventually have led them to a higher level of trust and confidence on traditional security issues. In the meantime, the ARF has also been carrying out its own confidence-building measures over new security challenges of non-traditional and transnational nature, including natural disasters, terrorism and transnational crime. In the evolving defense and security architecture of the region, including the establishment of the ADMM-Plus and the expanded EAS, it is now time for the ARF to seek a future role in a unique and complementary manner with the other mechanisms.
The ARF has comparative advantages in its 18 year old history, which has led the ARF to reach a significant level of institutionalism. Since its establishment, the ARF has strengthened practical and functional cooperation in traditional and non-traditional security issues. The civil-military interaction is another strength of the ARF. It has played a noticeable role in providing room for civil-military cooperation, particularly in the non-traditional security

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