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[아세안] Press Release -TCG Report Reviews the Current Situation for Cyclone-Affected People

외교부 > 남아시아대양주국 > 남아시아대양주지역협력과

Press Release
TCG Report Reviews the Current Situation for Cyclone-Affected People

Yangon, Myanmar, 19 December 2008




Today, the Tripartite Core Group (TCG) released the first of three Post-Nargis ‘Periodic Reviews’. The report indicated that despite significant progress in relief and recovery assistance, the relief stage was not finished and more assistance was still needed, especially in the nutrition, food, and shelter sectors.

Periodic Review I is an analysis of data collected between 29 October 2008 and 19 November 2008 from 2,376 households in 108 communities in the Ayeyarwady and Yangon divisions. The findings are presented in seven sectors: health, nutrition, food, water supply, sanitation and hygiene, shelter, education, and livelihood. At the same time, cross-sectoral issues such as vulnerability and protection, household socio-economic status, receipt of aid, gender and environment are analysed.

Senior ASEAN member of the TCG and Thailand’s Ambassador to Myanmar, Bansarn Bunnag, said, “The comprehensive geographic and multi-sectoral coverage of the Periodic Review pioneers a new approach to post-disaster needs assessment and monitoring. The findings serve as an important tool for strategic decision making amongst stakeholders to continue providing support to the affected population.”

Thanking the international community for their help, TCG Chairman and Deputy Foreign Minister of Myanmar, U Kyaw Thu, added, “The Periodic Review is an indicator of the strong commitment of the Tripartite Core Group to identify humanitarian needs and early recovery requirements.”

Results from the health sector in the surveyed communities showed good access to health care and outreach into communities although many households reported an inadequate medicine at local clinics. There is also some prevalence of fever and diarrhoea in the centre and west of the Delta.   Results in term of access to food showed a good recovery due principally to the high level and good coverage of food assistance although food insecurity persists. The Periodic Review I also found that the majority of households were using improved water sources or treated their water effectively. There were still concerns about water shortages through the dry season. In the shelter sector, there is a high proportion of people living in inadequate temporary shelters, particularly in the southern Delta.  Education is widely available although associated costs are the main barrier to school attendance. The report also indicated that there is a need for older children to work to earn income or to be care givers in the home. There was a need for increased support to livelihoods recovery, in order for people to regain the level of self-sufficiency that they had prior to Cyclone Nargis.

“We are continuously working to meet the needs that are being addressed in the Periodic Review. The issues faced by the affected people are complex and this report supports us in keeping the right focus on what needs to be done and where. The Periodic Review is important for the ongoing relief and early recovery efforts. Also, it supports us in planning the further efforts that is required to reach sustainable recovery for all 2.4 million affected people,” said UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator, Bishow Parajuli.


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