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[홍콩] 입찰정보(2021-44)


(정보제공: 주홍콩대한민국총영사관)


홍콩지역 입찰정보 (2021-44)

1. 건물, 토지 및 기타 재산의 변경, 추가, 수리 및 유지보수

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Architectural Services Department

 ㅇ입찰번호 : TC L901

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Alterations, Additions, Maintenance and Repair of Buildings and Lands and Other Properties Managed by the Correctional Services Department for which the Architectural Services Department (Property Services Branch) is Responsible (Contract Area: Hong Kong Island, New Territories and Outlying Islands)

*계약기간 : 2022.6부터, 36개월(잠정)

 ㅇ입찰시한 : 2021.12.17(금), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20212544/egn202125447021.pdf

2. 지방법원 설계 및 건설(입찰시한 재연장)

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Architectural Services Department

 ㅇ입찰번호 : SS K502

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Design and Construction of the District Court at Caroline Hill Road

*계약기간 : 2022.6~2026.3

 ㅇ입찰시한 : (당초)2021.11.12(금), 12:00→2021.11.19(금), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20212544/egn202125447022.pdf

3. 부두 및 해양시설 건설 및 유지보수

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Civil Engineering and Development Department

 ㅇ입찰번호 : CV/2022/01

 ㅇ입찰대상 : CEDD Maintenance Contract for Piers

*계약기간 : 2022.3~2027.3

 ㅇ입찰시한 : 2021.12.24(금), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20212544/egn202125447023.pdf

4. 승강기 설치, 수리 및 유지보수

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Electrical and Mechanical Services Department

 ㅇ입찰번호 : 1643EM21T

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Comprehensive Maintenance and Repair of Lift Installations at Arsenal House, Police Headquarters, Wan Chai

*계약기간 : 2022.5~2026.4

 ㅇ입찰시한 : 2021.12.17(금), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20212544/egn202125447024.pdf

5. 스마트 밸런스 서비스 제공

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Environmental Protection Department

 ㅇ입찰번호 : WR21455

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Provision of Services for Smart Balance to Implement Pilot Programme on Smart Recycling System (2nd Phase) in Hong Kong

*계약기간 : 2022.1부터, 24개월

 ㅇ입찰시한 : 2021.12.16(목), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20212544/egn202125447027.pdf

6. 새로운 디자인의 쓰레기통 및 대형 통 공급

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Environmental Protection Department

 ㅇ입찰번호 : WMSD21001

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Supply of Newly Designed Litter Containers and Mega Event Bins for Field Trial to the Environmental Protection Department

*납품기간 : 2022.3.15부터, 18개월

 ㅇ입찰시한 : 2021.12.14(화), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20212544/egn202125447028.pdf

7. 데스크탑 워크스테이션 컴퓨터 및 관련서비스 제공

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Government Logistics Department

 ㅇ입찰번호 : AF300492021

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Supply of desktop workstation computers and provision of related services to the Civil Engineering and Development Department/ Quantity : 3 groups

*납품기간 : 발주일로부터 7주 이내

 ㅇ입찰시한 : 2021.12.20(월), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20212544/egn202125447029.pdf

8. 도서관 선반 시스템 공급

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Government Logistics Department

 ㅇ입찰번호 : AE400522021

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Supply of electrical compact shelving systems to the Hong Kong Central Library Reserve Stack of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department/ Quantity : 1 lot

*납품기한 : 발주일로부터 8개월 및 14개월 이내 

 ㅇ입찰시한 : 2021.12.24(금), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20212544/egn202125447029.pdf

9. 컴퓨터 공급

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Hong Kong Police Force

 ㅇ입찰번호 : HKPF/ISW/OS1/21/01

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Supply of Computers to the Hong Kong Police Force

 ㅇ입찰시한 : 2021.12.20(월), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20212544/egn202125447030.pdf

10. 남녀 런닝화 공급

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Hong Kong Police Force

 ㅇ입찰번호 : PS10032021

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Supply of Running Shoes for Male and Female to the Hong Kong Police Force

 ㅇ입찰시한 : 2021.12.28(화), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20212544/egn202125447031.pdf

11. 3D 실내 지도 제작 서비스 제공

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Lands Department

 ㅇ입찰번호 : LD SMO/HQ/2021/23

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Provision of Services on the Generation of 3D Indoor Map of Kowloon for the Lands Department

 ㅇ입찰시한 : 2021.12.14(화), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20212544/egn202125447033.pdf


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