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[홍콩] 입찰정보(2023-35)


(정보제공: 주홍콩대한민국총영사관)

홍콩지역 입찰정보 (2023-35)

1. 산사태 예방 및 완화 작업 

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Civil Engineering and Development

 ㅇ입찰번호 : GE/2023/18

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Landslip Prevention and Mitigation Programme, 2020, Package F, Landslip Prevention and Mitigation Works

   * 계약기간 : 2023.12월부터 42개월

 ㅇ입찰시한 : 2023.9.22(금), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20232735/egn202327355283.pdf

2. 전기 기계 등 교체 및 개선 작업  

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services

 ㅇ입찰번호 : 1517EM23T

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Electrical, Mechanical, Air-conditioning, and Building Services Fitting-out, Replacement, and Improvement Works for Various Venues in Hong Kong Region

   * 계약기간 : 2024.2~2027.1

 ㅇ입찰접수 : 2023.10.13(금), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20232735/egn202327355284.pdf

3. 대기질 정보 관련 서비스 제공

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Environmental Protection

 ㅇ입찰번호 : ASM23045

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Provision of Services for Detailed Spatial Air Quality Information by Integration of Sensor Technology, Big Data and Air Quality Modelling

   * 계약기간 : 2024.1월부터 12개월

 ㅇ입찰접수 : 2023.10.26(목), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20232735/egn202327355285.pdf

4. LED 디스플레이 공급 및 설치 제공

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Fire Services

 ㅇ입찰번호 : FSD/PT/211

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Supply and Installation of Outdoor LED Display Wall at Fire and Ambulance Services Academy to Fire Services Department/Estimated Quantity : 1 set

 ㅇ입찰접수 : 2023.10.17(화), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20232735/egn202327355286.pdf

5. 폐기물 수거 서비스 제공

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene

 ㅇ입찰번호 : FEHQ 1011/23

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Provision of Waste Collection Services in Central/Western District/Estimated Quantity : One Job

 ㅇ입찰접수 : 2023.10.13(금), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20232735/egn202327355287.pdf

6. 영어 정기 간행물 제공 

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Government Logistics

 ㅇ입찰번호 : AE400912022

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Supply of English periodicals to the Hong Kong Public Libraries/Quantity : 8 categories

   * 계약기간 : 2024.3.1~2026.12.31

 ㅇ입찰접수 : 2023.10.13(금), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20232735/egn202327355288.pdf

7.  쌀 공급

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Government Logistics

 ㅇ입찰번호 : A4000232023

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Supply of rice to the Correctional Services Department/Quantity : 2,952,000 kilograms

 ㅇ입찰접수 : 2023.10.13(금), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20232735/egn202327355288.pdf

8. X-ray 검사기 공급

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Government Logistics

 ㅇ입찰번호 : FSD/PT/203

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Supply of X-ray checkers for border control points and the three-runway system of the Hong Kong International Airport to the Electrical and Mechanical Services Trading Fund/Quantity : 5 groups

 ㅇ입찰접수 : 2023.10.27(금), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20232735/egn202327355288.pdf

9. 바람 관측 장비 공급

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of the Hong Kong Observatory

 ㅇ입찰번호 : HKODT 2/23

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Supply of a Wind Profiler System to the Hong Kong Observatory for the Hong Kong International Airport

 ㅇ입찰접수 : 2023.10.16(월), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20232735/egn202327355289.pdf

10. 데이터 처리 및 사무 서비스 등 제공 

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Housing

 ㅇ입찰번호 : HAQ20230291

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Provision of Counter Reception, Data Processing and Clerical Services for the Independent Checking Unit

 ㅇ입찰접수 : 2023.9.22(금), 10:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20232735/egn202327355290.pdf

11. 관리 인쇄 서비스 및 관련 서비스 제공

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Housing

 ㅇ입찰번호 : HAQ20230128

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Provision of Managed Print Service and Related Services for the Corporate Services Division and the Independent Checking Unit of the Hong Kong Housing Authority

 ㅇ입찰접수 : 2023.10.13(금), 10:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20232735/egn202327355291.pdf

12. 플로터 용지 공급

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Housing

 ㅇ입찰번호 : HAQ20230328

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Supply of Plotter Paper for the Hong Kong Housing Authority/Estimated Quantity : 5 items

   * 계약기간 : 24개월

 ㅇ입찰접수 : 2023.9.29(금), 10:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20232735/egn202327355292.pdf

13. 광학 판독기 설계, 공급 및 관련 서비스 제공

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Immigration

 ㅇ입찰번호 : IMMD/PT/9/2022

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Tender for the Design, Supply, Implementation and Maintenance of the Optical Character Recognition and Radio Frequency Identification Reader System for the Immigration Department

 ㅇ입찰접수 : 2023.10.26(목), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20232735/egn202327355293.pdf

14. 전기통신 서비스 제공

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Social Welfare

 ㅇ입찰번호 : SWDT032023

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Provision of Telecommunication Services for Various Locations of the Social Welfare Department

 ㅇ입찰접수 : 2023.10.16(월), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20232735/egn202327355294.pdf

15. 네트워크 인프라 장비 공급

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director-general of Trade and Industry

 ㅇ입찰번호 : TID/SO/3-5/021/2023

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Supply of Network Infrastructure Equipment to the Trade and Industry Department

   * 계약기간 : 2023.11.1부터 60개월

 ㅇ입찰접수 : 2023.10.12(목), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20232735/egn202327355295.pdf


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