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[홍콩] 입찰정보(2024-28)


(정보제공 : 주홍콩총영사관)

홍콩지역 입찰정보 (2024-28)

(관보게재일 : 2024.7.12)

1. 화학물질 및 동물용 의약품 시험장비 공급 및 설치

ㅇ 입찰기구 : Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department

ㅇ 입찰번호 : AFCDGS0823

ㅇ 입찰대상 : Supply and Installation of Chemicals and Veterinary Drugs Testing Equipment to the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department

ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2024.8.28(수), 12:00

ㅇ 입찰서류 :  https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2024&vol=28&no=28&extra=0&type=0&number=4085

2. 경량 공공주택 모듈 납품 및 건설 계약

ㅇ 입찰기구 : Architectural Services Department

ㅇ 입찰번호 : SS N50 - No. 1HL

ㅇ 입찰대상 : Construction and Delivery of Habitable Modular Integrated Construction Modules of Light Public Housing at Siu Lam, at Tuen Mun Area 54, at Chai Wan and at Ma On Shan

   * 계약기간 : 2024년 4분기부터 2025/26년

ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2024.8.23(금), 12:00

ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2024&vol=28&no=28&extra=0&type=0&number=4086

3. 공공주택 개발부지 형성 및 기반시설 공사 계약

ㅇ 입찰기구 : Civil Engineering and Development Department

ㅇ 입찰번호 : SD/2024/03 - No. B883CL

ㅇ 입찰대상 : Site formation and infrastructure works for public housing development near Chai Wan Swimming Pool, Chai Wan

   * 계약기간 : 2025년 1분기부터 45개월

ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2024.9.20(금), 12:00

ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2024&vol=28&no=28&extra=0&type=0&number=4087

4. 침대 시트 공급 계약(24개월)

ㅇ 입찰기구 : Correctional Services Department

ㅇ 입찰번호 : PTCSQ00724

ㅇ 입찰대상 : Supply of Sheet Draw 1-Ply to the Correctional Services Department

ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2024.8.26(월), 12:00

ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2024&vol=28&no=28&extra=0&type=0&number=4088

5. 액체 비누 공급 계약(36개월)

ㅇ 입찰기구 : Government Logistics Department

ㅇ 입찰번호 : A9900092024

ㅇ 입찰대상 : Supply of liquid soap to various Government departments

ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2024.8.22(목), 12:00

ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2024&vol=28&no=28&extra=0&type=0&number=4093

6. 컴퓨터 단층촬영 스캐너 공급

ㅇ 입찰기구 : Government Logistics Department

ㅇ 입찰번호 : AD200862023

ㅇ 입찰대상 : Supply of computerised tomography scanners to the Electrical and Mechanical Services Trading Fund

ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2024.8.23(금), 12:00

ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2024&vol=28&no=28&extra=0&type=0&number=4093

7. 중형차 공급

ㅇ 입찰기구 : Government Logistics Department

ㅇ 입찰번호 : A0601002023

ㅇ 입찰대상 : Supply of medium cars to various Government departments

ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2024.8.23(금), 12:00

ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2024&vol=28&no=28&extra=0&type=0&number=4093

8. 1·2차 감시레이더 공급(입찰시한 연장)

ㅇ 입찰기구 : Government Logistics Department

ㅇ 입찰번호 : A1300802023

ㅇ 입찰대상 : Supply of primary and secondary surveillance radar system to the Civil Aviation Department--Extension of Tender Period

ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2024.8.30(금), 12:00

ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2024&vol=28&no=28&extra=0&type=0&number=4094

9. 개인용 컴퓨터 공급 및 관련 서비스 제공

ㅇ 입찰기구 : Housing Authority

ㅇ 입찰번호 : HAQ20240024

ㅇ 입찰대상 : Provision of Personal Computer Support and Related Services for the Hong Kong Housing Authority 

ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2024.8.23(금), 10:00

ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2024&vol=28&no=28&extra=0&type=0&number=4097

10. 프린터 소모품 공급

ㅇ 입찰기구 : Housing Authority

ㅇ 입찰번호 : HAQ20240269

ㅇ 입찰대상 : Supply of Printer Consumables for the Hong Kong Housing Authority 

ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2024.8.9(금), 10:00

ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2024&vol=28&no=28&extra=0&type=0&number=4098

11. 항공사진 수집 및 데이터 처리 서비스 제공

ㅇ 입찰기구 : Lands Department

ㅇ 입찰번호 : LD SMO/HQ/2024/22

ㅇ 입찰대상 : Provision of the Aerial Photograph Acquisition and Photogrammetric Data Processing Services for the Lands Department  

ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2024.8.6(화), 12:00

ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2024&vol=28&no=28&extra=0&type=0&number=4100

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