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[아제르바이잔] 입찰정보(3.11-3.17)


(정보제공 : 주아제르바이잔대한민국대사관)

[아제르바이잔] 입찰정보(3.11-3.17)


(Ordered by)



Participation fee


Application deadline

Contact information

Azerbaijan’s AzInTelecom LLC

Purchase notebooks, monitors, phones, printers and IT accessories.

The first lot envisages the purchase of laptops and monitors, the second lot - phones, the third lot - printers and IT accessories.

No info

Those willing to participate in the tender must send the necessary documents till 17:00 (GMT+4) on April 15, 2019, while bids – till 17:00 on April 24, 2019.

The packages with bids will be opened at 15:00 on April 25, 2019.

Address: 74 Alibay Huseynzade Street, Baku, Azerbaijan;


Phone: (+994 12) 200-00-74/72;


Contact people: Kamil Bektashi, Vugar Yahyazade

Azerbaijan’s Azneft Production Union

Purchase drill pipes


Those willing to participate in the tender must send the necessary documents till 17:30 (GMT+4) on April 4, 2019, while bids – till 11:00 on April 11, 2019.

The packages with bids will be opened at 11:00 on April 11, 2019.

Address: 73 Neftchiler Avenue, Sabail district, Baku, Azerbaijan, AZ1000;

Phone: (+994 12) 521-00-00 (ext. 11 381);

Mob: (+994 50) 841-13-81;

Email: kamil.asgerov@socar.az;

Contact person: Kamil Asgarov

Azerbaijan’s Tamiz Shahar OJSC

Purchase of special equipment for the transport of garbage.


Those willing to participate in the tender must submit necessary documents before 17:00 (GMT+4) on April 17, 2019, and tender offers until 17:00 on Apr. 23, 2019.

Opening of tender packages will be held at 17:00 on April 24.

Address: 55 Khojaly Avenue, Baku, Azerbaijan


Phone: (+994 12) 464-41-11


Contact person: Tural Gudratov

The Executive Power of Azerbaijan's Tovuz district

Installation of street lighting and to purchase necessary equipment for this. The tender is held in two lots.

Lot 1 - on the installation of street lighting in Tovuz;

Lot 2 - on the purchase of necessary equipment.


Those willing to participate in the tender must submit applications before 17:00 on Apr. 16, 2019, and tender offers until 17:00 on Apr. 24, 2019.


Opening of tender packages will be held at 15

Address: 3 Shahriyar street, Tovuz, Azerbaijan


Phone: (+994 50) 755 95 56


Contact person: Vafali Asgarov

Azerbaijan's State Committee on Property Issues

Purchase consulting services as part of issuing a number of state objects for privatization


Those willing to participate in the tender must submit applications before 17:00 on Apr. 15, 2019, and tender offers until 17:00 on Apr. 25, 2019.

Opening of tender packages will be held at 15:00 on Apr. 26.

Address: 50 Yusif Safarov street, Baku (room 810)


Phone: (+994 12) 490 24 08 (ext.191)


Fax: (+994 12) 490 33 59


Contact person: Nurlan Verdiyev

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