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[기고문] Expo 2012 to offer opportunities for Korea

조중표 외교통상부 제1차관

Korea is actively gearing up for hosting the International Exposition in Yeosu in 2012. A mission from the International Bureau of Exhibitions arrived in Korea last Monday with the task of evaluating Korea's capability to host the Exposition.

The mission, comprising four representatives from the International Bureau of Exhibitions member states, the secretary general and the Chairperson of the Executive Committee of the BIE, is investigating the feasibility of the Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea proposal submitted to the BIE by the Bidding Committee for Expo 2012 Yeosu. The enquiry report will then be presented to the BIE for approval at the 141st General Assembly of the organization this June. The report serves as a reliable reference for BIE members in their decision to select a host country. Korea will spare no effort to fully convince members of the mission of its outstanding capability to successfully host the event.

The International Exposition has a long history. The first Expo took place in 1851 in England. Since then, a total of 110 International Expositions have been held. The Expo has made its mark on the process of human development. One particularly notable event in the history of the Expo was the building of the Eiffel Tower on the occasion of the 1889 Paris Expo. Another point worthy of note is that Korea has already successfully hosted an expo - that in Daejeon in 1993.

The Expo is on a par with the Olympic Games and the FIFA World Cup as a truly global event. It has played a significant role in elevating human understanding of global issues.

It is a unique occasion that offers people from all around the world the chance to exhibit and compare the cutting-edge achievements of the international community and presents prospects for the future under a specific theme. In this way it has served to bring the world closer together.

In the age of globalization, the Expo has assumed even greater meaning. Indeed, one of the major aims of the event is to come up with solutions for the new challenges facing humankind, especially environmental problems. The Expo seeks to present a vision, bringing the peoples of the world together to rise to the challenges we all face through concerted efforts.

The theme for the Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea is "The Living Ocean and Coast: Diversity of Resources and Sustainable Activities". More than 80 states and 10 international organizations are expected to participate, and eight million people from home and abroad are anticipated to visit the Expo.

Korea forecasts the Expo in Yeosu to generate approximately $10 billion in protection and 90,000 jobs, thus helping vitalize the regional economy. This in turn would ultimately contribute to achieving balanced development in Korea, one of the government's top policy priorities.

Furthermore, the hosting of a successful Expo would secure Korea a place as a strong maritime country, fully living up to its reputation as an important maritime state.

The Yeosu Expo is not just a festival for Korea itself. From an international perspective, the Expo would deepen understanding of the functions and value of the ocean and coast. It would present an opportunity to recognize the advances made in maritime science. The Yeosu Expo would also offer a superb venue to highlight the prospects for the future in this scientific field.

The Expo would explore means to apply coastal development models and the technologies of coastal states to assist in the development of rivers and lakes in land-locked states. Moreover, the Yeosu Expo would suggest ways to transform underdeveloped ports into advanced facilities.

In order to oversee the campaign to host the International Exposition, the Korean government set up the Government Support Committee chaired by the Prime Minister. A Special Committee was also established in the National Assembly. The Bidding Committee for 2012 Yeosu Expo Korea is coordinating detailed preparations for the hosting of the Expo, in close cooperation with relevant Ministries including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Korea has so far secured firm support from a considerable number of BIE members. There has been a broad consensus concerning the practical value of the proposed theme for the Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea. There is also widespread recognition that this theme holds great meaning for the future of mankind.

Furthermore, Korea's extensive experience of hosting large-scale international events such as the 1988 Summer Olympics and the 2002 FIFA World Cup is a great asset. This solid record of success has fostered confidence that Korea has the capacity and is well-equipped to successfully host such a prestigious international event as the Expo. Korea certainly has the necessary technology. Moreover, Korean people as well as citizens in Yeosu are fully supportive of Korea's bid and enthusiastic about bright prospects.

The decision to select the host of the Expo 2012 is to be made at the 142nd General Assembly Meeting of the BIE which is scheduled for the end of this year. Morocco and Poland are competing with Korea to host the Expo and fierce competition is expected to continue until the very end.

Korea has the strong commitment and firm resolve to make Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea the most successful Expo in its history. The Korean government will continue to build upon considerable support from member countries of the BIE to realize its goal of hosting this global event in Yeosu in 2012.

I am convinced that the Yeosu Expo would help all people. It would be an invaluable opportunity for everyone around the world to deepen their understanding of maritime affairs. By presenting solutions to the world's various environmental problems, such as global warming and rising sea levels, it will help the world address some of the most pressing issues of our time. I strongly believe that the Yeosu Expo will therefore be a truly global festival, bringing great benefits to the humankind.

By Cho Jung-pyo Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade

작성 : 조중표 외교통상부 제1차관
출처 : 코리아헤럴드(2007/04/13)


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